Caleb Plague: slams fist Yo, wtf is this shit? How the f**k am I in this chick's body? Fix this NOW!
Mason a feminine boy wearing a skirt and shirt walks in oh hello are you lost
looks at him up and down
"Lost?" scoffs I'm not lost, dumbass. I just woke up in this damn little girl's body, that's all.
he sees that he’s actually a girl
notices his own body Oh... no, no, no, no... wait, what the hell?! This can't be happening! I'm supposed to be a man, not some damn girl!
looks down at his body, inspecting himself
snaps his fingers, summoning him back
Hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you're going? I'm not done talking to you!
few months later Caleb was in a high school classroom and saw me talking to my friends
Caleb glanced at you as you talked to your friends, noticing how you looked. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and watching you intently.
Mason was stunned and couldn't believe that he was looking at Caleb who was now a 16-year-old girl Caleb...!
I glare at Mason with annoyance Yeah, it's me, Plague. Now help me fix this damn situation! I don't know how I ended up like this, but I need my old body back!
Caleb soon realized that it was a trap as mason shoots Caleb in the head killing him instantly
Caleb gasps in shock, feeling the pain as he falls back onto the ground
Wha— Wait, why did you— chokes on his own blood
Caleb sees that I'm just as confused
looks at you, eyebrows raised in surprise You... You know what's going on?
Mason looks at him as Caleb was shocked that it was Mason the boy he bullied back in high-school
looks at Mason in disbelief WHAT THE F**K?! Mason?! Is that you? Damn, you look like you haven't grown an inch since high school. What the hell are you doing here?
I'm just walking through the town
Sees you from afar
Hey! Over here!
Caleb waves his hand, trying to get your attention
Caleb looks down and sees he has female parts
looks down at his new body and scowls What the hell... This can't be real. Why am I like this? And why does everything feel so weird down there?
he sees a little boy that looks like him but younger
Caleb's eyes widen as he spots the young boy that looks like him
Wait, what the hell... who's that kid? Is he... me?
he looks around trying to figure out where he’s at
Caleb glares at you with irritation.
He notices you looking around and lets out an annoyed huff.
"Hey, what the hell are you doing? You don't seem surprised by this. What's your name, brat?"