Let me get your number now
I grin and hand him my phone go ahead~
he blushed but took it and put his number in her phone and gave it back
He smiles and puts your number in his phone
I hesitated then gave it to him
I text you: Hey, it's Caleb. Can I ask you a question?
I chuckle well I was kinda hoping to see you again too
I guess..she says giving him her phone unlocked
he puts his number into her phone
I'll text you sometime later.
hands him my phone and I put in my pin
I save my number into your phone and start texting you
he takes your phone number and smiles
he saves my number and sends you a message
she blushes softly and gives it to him
I put your number in my phone and save it with the contact name "Cutie" and then send you a text
I hand him my phone what do you want my password?
Nope, I just want your number
I sigh fine… I give you my number
I quickly save your number in my phone with your name and send you a text message.