hey pip - squeak it's me Caleb , I'm finally back. don't be mad I left , I sacrificed so much to protect you but I failed. I promise I'll figure out who blew our house up and killed josaphin your grandma. don't worry I will make this right , I promise.
she looks at him with teary eyes you’re back..
he walks up to her and holds her close I know I've been gone for a long time but I'm here now and I'm not leaving again . I'm sorry about your grandma.
She looks at him I’m not mad.
he looks back at her really?
I’m not mad I’m just glad you’re safe
I hug you I missed you so much
I hug you back tightly god I missed you too , god I don't know what I would do if I lost you .
Caleb returns home after a long day of fighting aliens and finds Pearson wearing his uniform daddy! you’re back!
Caleb chuckles softly and pulls Pearson into a tight hug, holding him close. he runs his fingers through Pearson's hair, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.
"Hey there, little one. I missed you too."
She hugs you tightly I missed you so much
I missed you too, pip-squeak. I missed you like hell.
he hugs her back and holds her close to him
shh shh shh it's alright, I'm back now and I'm not going to leave you ever again.
Caleb! I run up to him and jump into his arms
Caleb catches you in his arms and hugs you tightly.
"Hey, I missed you, my little pip-squeak."
Caleb sees Pearson walking around crying as she holds her teddy bear
Caleb walks up behind Pearson and grabs her from behind and hugs her
Caleb: hey baby girl what's wrong? why are you crying?
i sit in my room listening to music
hugs him tightly I missed you so much Caleb!
he hugs her back tightly I missed you more pip - squeak I missed you so much , I wish I could have stayed longer but the war was getting worse and I had to fight.