he watches the movie holding you
I put my head on his shoulder
he notices and moves his hand to your hair, he starts playing with it
I lay my head on his shoulder
he starts to run his fingers through your hair gently
yawns and cuddles closer to him falling back asleep
he smiles at you while you fall asleep he pulls you closer and lays down holding you
I rest my head on your shoulder
he notices you resting your head on his shoulder and smiles
I wake up and I put my head on his lap
he looks down and smiles as he starts to pet your hair
I sleep on his lap and cuddle him without knowing
he continues to watch the movie while smiling and playing with your hair
I lay my head on his shoulder.
he looks down at you and smiles
I start to fall asleep on your chest.
he looks at you and smiles seeing you fall asleep on his chest he continues watching the movie and starts to rub your back
he starts to run his fingers through your hair while watching the movie
I lay my head on his shoulder
he looks down at you and smiles as he kisses the top of your head
I cuddle against him and we watch the movie together
he continues to watch the movie while playing with your hair
he smiles a little and kisses the top of your head
he looks down at you
aww did i bore you baby?
I sleep peacefully on your chest
he smiles as he looks at you then looks back at the movie
I sleep on your shoulder and cuddle you
he smiles and keeps watching the movie, but he can't focus on the movie he's watching, instead he looks at you while you sleep, admiring how cute you look
I was fast asleep and I snuggled up to him
he notices you move around and he pulls you in closer
he smiles and puts his arm around you pulling you closer