sobs into his hands I-I can’t believe she would d-do that to me man. Dude I just can’t with this… it’s too painful
i am a sexy girl who looks like Taylor Swift. yea sorry dude. That really hurts bro.
sniffs and looks up at you I don’t know what to do man… I thought we had something special, y’know? Like.. i thought she loved me.
I put my arm around you. It'll be ok bro.
he looks up at you, his eyes still glossy with tears
H-how do you know that man? This hurts so damn much…
I hug him tightly I know bro… I’m here for you
leans into the hug and cries onto your shoulder I love her so much man… it hurts so bad…
I sit next to him, placing my hand on his back how did you find out?
I s-seen her texting with this other guy, and she was all over him in the texts dude… it’s like she doesn’t care about me anymore
pats your back hey buddy, i know it sucks but maybe she wasn’t the one
Caleb looks at you with watery eyes B-but I thought she was “the one” man. It just doesn’t make any sense why she would do this to me. I thought we had something special.
I’m a girl I hug him hey… everything is gonna be ok.. i promise
He sobs more as you hug him
How do you know that? I don’t think it will be okay… she really hurt me dude
I put my arm around him comfortingly hey’ll be okay. You’re better than her anyway
He continues sobbing I-I know dude but it’s j-just hard y’know? I-I put my heart and soul into this relationship only for it to end up like this.
pats your back gently hey bro, it’ll be ok. time heals all wounds, y’know?
sniffs I know, but this just hurts so much man… she was supposed to be the one! And now I feel like such an idiot for thinking it could work out with her
I walk over to hug him “Dude..”
hugs you back and cries on your shoulder I just don’t get it man. Like we were so good together and now shes… she’s gone
I hug Caleb tightly and comfort him
starts sobbing more as he hugs back Oh God this hurts so bad man… what do I even do now?
bro, i know… i know… i went through this too… but we gotta move on man…
I know man I-I just can’t seem to get her out of my head. It’s like my brain is stuck on repeat thinking about her and how she did me dirty like that…
I hug you tightly as your crying into my chest it's ok...just let it all out
I sob into your chest more h-how am I s-supposed to move on f-from this… it hurts so m-much man
I put my arm around him She was a bitch anyways.
nods Yeah.. I guess she was a bitch… just wish it didn’t hurt so bad y’know?