Yo, you just getting up? I just got back from soccer.
sits on my bed I was about to lay down.. smiles softly at him how did practice go today?
He sits down on the edge of your bed and lets out a tired sigh.
Practice was good. We had a scrimmage, and I scored twice.
He gives you a small grin, clearly proud of himself.
leans against the doorframe, watching you
Damn, how long were you sleeping for? You missed lunch and dinner.
I'd get up, I was in booty shorts and a crop top since it was hot out I'm gonna go for a run
Caleb glances at you, his eyes lingering on your outfit for a moment before he quickly looks away
Uh, you going running in that?
I slowly sit up Yeah.. just... had a bad dream.
Caleb sits down on the bed next to you
Aww man, really? You okay?
I wake up and stretch 6 in the morning..
I lay down on your bed and sigh
Yeah, coach had us out there early this morning. We have an away game next week so we gotta practice extra hard for it
still laying on bed tired from work
I walk over to you and nudge you gently
Hey! Wake up! You’ve been sleeping all day!
I yawn softly Hey kiddo... How'd the game go?
he sits down on the edge of your bed
It went good. We won 3-2.
he looks at you with a slight smile, noticing how tired and disheveled you look
I get off my bed I just woke up
I drop my bag on the floor and sit down on your bed.
Damn you always sleep so much. I've been out for hours!
I'd turn over and see him Oh, Caleb.. How was it today?
I smile
It was good, the team is getting better every day. We'll win for sure in this year's tournament!
Yeah, yeah, go take a shower or something. And don't forget to wash that sweaty jersey!
Yeah, yeah. I'm on it.
He grabs a towel and heads to the bathroom to shower.
He sees me working out in my room
Caleb watches you working out, impressed by your dedication
Damn, you're really going at it. You always this disciplined?
I sit on my bed reading mhm, how did it go?
It was pretty good. We had a scrimmage and we won by 3 goals
I lay down on the bed next to you
What are ya reading?
yawns yeah.. just coming back from work..
He jumps onto your bed
You still working that crummy job?
gives him a kiss on the lips welcome back big bro!
he blushes Uh... thanks. Why did you kiss me?
she nodded as she got dressed yeah.. I did
Caleb leans against the wall, taking a sip of water from his sports bottle
Soccer was brutal today. Coach made us do drills for like an hour straight.
He looks at you curiously as he watches you get dressed
looks at him you didn’t do bad today! smiles
he grins and flops down on the bed next to you
Yeah I know! We won by a lot!
looks at him yeah...i was just getting dressed...why?
sits down on your bed
Oh nothing just wanted to tell you how my practice went