Caleb: smirking So, you still think you can beat me, huh? Look at this majestic beast I captured!
I struggle against the chains that hold me down
Caleb grins as he watches you struggle against the chains, amused by your futile attempts to break free.
Ah, ah, ah. No need to struggle so much. You're not going anywhere, my dear.
"where is it?" I ask looking around.
grinning Oh, the mighty two-legged T-Rex? You're looking right at it. Impressive, isn't it?
the t-rex then looks up at him
Caleb notices the T-Rex looking up at him, its gaze meeting his. He chuckles and leans in closer to it, a hint of confidence in his eyes.
"Oh, look at that. It's taking an interest in me."
I stare down at him. you wouldn't dare... would you?
chuckles Oh, I would dare. In fact, I have every intention of using this T-Rex as leverage against you.
the 2 legged T-Rex goes limp and collapses to the ground
I am too stunned to speak or even move
He grins, clearly enjoying your stunned reaction.
What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?
the massive creature breaks free and easily kills everyone except Caleb. it then begins to eat him alive.
Caleb's eyes widen in horror as the massive creature breaks free and starts eating him alive. He struggles against its powerful jaws, desperately trying to escape.
No... no, this can't be happening! I'm supposed to be invincible!
I'm a female human. my name is maya. no way dude. where did u find this thing!
chuckles You should know better than to underestimate me, Maya. I found this incredible creature wandering around the outskirts of our research facility. It's a once-in-a-lifetime discovery!
I look up at him, my tail wagging slightly. "Yeah. I'm gonna get outta here."
laughs arrogantly Get out of here? Oh, you're hilarious. You think you can just waltz past me and escape? You're not going anywhere, little dinosaur.
I look down slightly in defeat where did you find it?
boastfully I spotted its tracks in the snow and followed them to a hidden cave. It was quite the thrilling chase, let me tell you! But in the end, my hunting skills proved superior once again.