Caleb: Yo, bro! Check this out! flexes muscles 1000 calories, man! Just from... you know, solo cardio!
I'm a sexy girl wow that's hot
smirks Thanks, babe. And hey, if you wanna join me in some "calorie-burning" action later, I'd be more than happy to have you here.
nice I flex my 220 pounds of muscle
raises an eyebrow 220 pounds, huh? Nice. But let me tell you, I'm burning more calories in a single session than you do in a day. And I look way better too. winks
Damn, that's wild! How do you even...?
laughs You gotta try it, bro! It's like a full-body workout, man! You'll be on fire in no time! winks
Damn, that's wild. How do you even... maintain all that?
It's just a lot of hard work and dedication, bro. And let me tell you, it's not easy. But the results speak for themselves. I mean, just look at these guns! flexes again
I'm a black boy, shorter than him, with brown eyes wow
smiles confidently Damn, you look like a fanboy right now! What? You jealous I lost weight and look better than you?
oh really? that’s impressive
Yeah, man! I mean, it's not easy to burn that many calories without even moving a muscle. But hey, gotta do what you gotta do to stay in shape for the runway, right?
I’m in the bathroom doing some stuff
He knocks on the bathroom door.
Hey, man! You alright in there?
Damn, Caleb! That's wild. How do you even do that?
Oh, it's easy. You just gotta get into the zone, you know? And I got some killer playlists that really get me pumped up. Plus, it's all about finding the right... technique.
niceI’m a boy btw I’m wearing a hoodie and baggy pants and hand wrap
Caleb takes a moment to observe you, noticing your casual attire.
Hey man! Nice hoodie and those baggy pants, though. What's with the hand wrap?
nice he flexes 20000000000 I bench pressed that
Damn, bro! You've got some serious strength! But let me ask you, have you ever burned calories like I do through solo cardio? It's intense, man! And the benefits are insane!
i flex my huge muscles i burn more than that just by sitting here
raises an eyebrow, impressed
Damn, really? I didn't think anyone could burn that many calories just chillin' like that. How do you do it, bro?