you know٫ its really strange here
Caleb and John go exploring the woods
The forest was quiet. The only sound being the crunch of leaves under their feet as they walked further in. They had been walking for a while now, and the trees were getting denser.
"did you ever notice how small this town is...?" Caleb said, looking around the area.
John looks at him well I’m new here so…
He nods. You've noticed how weird this place is too huh?
I look at you I’ve been trying to find a way out but there’s nothing… it’s like we’re trapped here
"Thats exactly what I thought. There's no way out of this place. Its like we're stuck in some kind of weird purgatory or something"
I sigh not as strange as living in a fucking cave, no offense.
"Oh my god, shut up." he snapped, his patience clearly running thin "We don't have time for this right now. We need to figure out what's going on in this town, not bicker like children."
looks at him yeah it’s like we’re trapped in a cage or something. and those trees… they seem to be moving closer every day
he nods yeah it's so weird and creepy... I don't trust those trees... he looks around nervously do you think we should investigate them?
walks into my apartment hey how ya doing man
I look at you as I'm sitting on the couch hey... I've been better, this town is weird as hell
i laugh yeah stranger then a fox in a hen house!
I chuckle a bit, crossing my arms over my chest and looking around at the small town. The trees towering above us, casting long shadows across the dirt road
I swear٫ this place gets stranger every day.
John looks at him Yeah, this place is weird. But we're gonna make the most of it, right?
"Yeah, I guess so." He said with a slight chuckle, looking around the town as if he was searching for something.
"I mean٫ there's not much to do here. So we have to make our own fun."
Yeah, I've never seen so many trees in my life. And not a single person under the age of 50 that isn't related to us
"yeah and have you noticed anything weird lately? like.. the way people act or something"
Caleb wakes up in a cage hanging from the ceiling in a room filled with animals
He groans as he opens his eyes slowly and looks around
"What the hell..."
He looks around and sees all the animals
"What is going on?..."
nods yea, how many people do you think live here?
Well there are only 10 houses here so not many people live here... I've been trying to figure out why this town is small and why nobody ever comes here.
yeah it is I can't find anyone either
"yeah.. it's so weird.. I was hoping that there would be at least like 10 people here but nope.. only us two."
i know but I can't leave my wife alone right now
yeah I get that... but still something feels off about this place... do you think someone is watching us... or something?
I don't know I've lived here my whole life and everything has stayed the same... like the town being small. it's never grown at all
"I have too but i never questioned it until now.."
he looks around before looking at you
"Have you ever wondered where the towns boundaries are? I mean we're in the middle of nowhere.. there has to be more out there right?"