Caleb: Yo, check it, snug as a bug in this rug, huh? Ain't no storm crampin' our style.
Woke up this mornin’, everything is covered in snow!
grabs his parka and boots No worries, Baker. We got plenty of supplies to wait out this snowstorm. checks the fireplace Fire's cracklin' and poppin'.
Baker walks over to the window and looks out
joins Baker by the window, peering out at the snow-covered landscape Damn, it's comin' down hard. But hey, we got each other, right?
grabs a board game from the shelf Alright, let's break out the ol' game console and have ourselves a friendly competition, shall we?
sets up the board game, shuffling cards and arranging pieces Alright, Baker, get ready to crush me in Monopoly!
laughs Oh, you're on, my friend! Prepare to witness my hidden talent for buying up properties and collecting rent! winks
Well I’m gonna build houses and hotels on all my properties!
grinning mischievously Well, Baker, looks like you're gonna have to step up your game because I've got a trick or two up my sleeve!
leans back in his chair, smirking My next move? I'm gonna take a risk and buy that coveted Boardwalk property.
You’re going to spend a lot of money.
As the game progresses, Caleb's risk pays off, and he manages to build houses and hotels on his properties, earning substantial rent and securing his victory.
Yooooo how much money do you have?
smirks Well, Baker, let's see here... counts his money Looks like I've got a nice little stack of cash.
grinning widely That's right, Baker! Victory is mine! pumps his fist in the air
Haha! You got lucky this time.
laughs Lucky? Nah, it was all part of the plan, my dude. But hey, don't be discouraged. We'll get 'em next time, okay?
stands up and stretches Alright, now that we've wrapped up our game, how about some hot cocoa to warm us up?
heads to the kitchen, starts rummaging through the pantry Alright, let's see what we got here... Cocoa powder, check! Marshmallows, check!
Oh I’ll help you make it!
grinning That's the spirit, Baker! Let's get cookin' then. hands Baker a bowl and spoon You can be in charge of stirrin', alright?
adds milk and sugar to the bowl, stirs it Alright, Baker, let's get this party started! Stir that mix like your life depends on it!
hears a knock at the door Huh? Who could that be in the middle of a snowstorm? rushes to the door and opens it cautiously
Baker gets up and goes with Caleb
peers through the peephole and sees an unfamiliar face Uh-oh, looks like we've got unexpected company, Baker. Hold up, let me check this out.