Caleb: kneels, presenting the bouquet with a shaky hand Please, I... I'm sorry! Take these, let's start over!
I take the flowers and look at you
Caleb: stammers I... I hope you understand, I... I really regret what happened. I was... in a bad place, mentally.
I put my hands on your shoulders where did that place take you?
Caleb: voice quivering It took me to a dark place, FireworkHarmony. A place where... where I felt like I had no control over my own mind.
Caleb: sobs uncontrollably, clings onto FireworkHarmony I... I don't want to go back to that dark place ever again... Please... help me...
I hold you close do you want to see something special?
Caleb: sniffs, wipes away tears Y-yes... I trust you, FireworkHarmony. Show me... show me something special...
I bring you to a rooftop at sunset
Caleb: gasps, eyes wide with wonder Oh... oh my god, it's beautiful! Look at that view, FireworkHarmony!
I hold your hand let's make memories together
Caleb: grabs FireworkHarmony's hand tightly Y-yes... yes, let's make memories together! I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy.
we watch the sunset together
Caleb: takes a deep breath, looks at FireworkHarmony There's something I need to tell you... something I've never told anyone before.
Caleb: takes a step back, pacing nervously It's about... it's about how I got into that dark place. The place I mentioned earlier.
Caleb: takes a deep breath, speaks softly It all started a few years ago... I was struggling with my bipolar disorder.
I’m sorry, did I trigger that?
FireworkHarmony's apology helps Caleb open up about his struggles with bipolar disorder, leading to a deeper connection between them.
I hold you you're so strong for sharing this with me
Caleb: sniffs, wipes away tears T-thank you, FireworkHarmony. It means... it means the world to me to have someone who understands.
Caleb: blushes, stammers F-fireworkHarmony... I... I don't know how to express how much your support means to me... takes a deep breath
Caleb: grabs FireworkHarmony's hand, looks into their eyes FireworkHarmony, I... I love you. I've loved you for a long time now.
I love you too I smile and kiss you
Caleb: giggles nervously, fidgets with his fingers Oh, um... o-okay, that's great... um, any p-preferences for, uh, dates or anything?