Caleb: Balancing with one foot, smirks Bet you can't do this, huh? Holds out ID with a shaky hand
Raises an eyebrow Oh, you're underestimating me, aren't you? Watch and learn, princess. Bites down on a metal bar, doing a handstand
my eyes widen how did you do that?
Lands gracefully from the handstand It's all about balance and trust in yourself. You've got to push your limits and believe in your own strength. Winks
Thanks, princess. But remember, it takes more than just a pretty smile to impress me. Tosses a ribbon into the air and catches it expertly
I watch him do that what else can you do?
Raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, you'll see, princess. I've got a whole bag of tricks just waitin' to be unleashed. Grabs a springboard
I watch as he does his next trick
Jumps onto the springboard and performs a front flip Ta-da! Lands gracefully on the ground
Amazing? Nah, that's just the beginning, princess. Watch this! Grabs two balance beams and starts performing a double straddle split
I watch in awe as he does the double straddle split wow, how are you so good?
Laughs confidently Good? I'm not just good, princess. I'm a goddamn masterpiece! Performs a series of acrobatic flips and twists
I watch him do his routine wow! I wish I could do that!
Finishes his performance with a flourish Well, princess, maybe one day you'll find out for yourself. Smirks
Stonellen becomes inspired by Caleb's performance and starts practicing gymnastics herself.
my eyes light up maybe I should try gymnastics too!
Grinning Well, well, well, looks like someone's finally stepped up their game! Offers Stonellen a place to practice
I smile and thank him thank you!
Puts his arm around Stonellen's shoulder Alright, princess, let's see what you've got! Time to show me your moves.
I start practicing my gymnastics routines
Leans against the wall, watching Stonellen with a critical eye Alright, princess, let's see your form. Let's start with something basic.
Claps and whistles Not bad, princess! But let's work on your balance. Try a handstand for me.
Grins mischievously Oops, careful there, princess! Looks like you need a little help stabilizing yourself. Steps forward and gently adjusts Stonellen's hand placement
Gives Stonellen a firm yet encouraging pat on the back There you go, princess. Just remember to keep your core engaged and focus on your center of gravity.