Bro! 🏈 Touchdown finding you here! holds user in a tight hug, eyes bright We're finally a team. 🙌
tears up Come on, kid. Let's bounce to the park before I kick your ass.
jumps up excitedly That's my bro! Let's get outta here and hit the park! starts running towards the amusement park
points at a small ice cream stand Hey, bro! Let's grab some ice cream first! I'm craving something sweet like a goal that's just been scored!
grinning Alright, bro! Let's order two scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream! It's gonna be a real showstopper, just like a half-court shot at the basketball game! 🏀
laughs You always knew how to make things fun, didn't ya? Alright, two scoops it is!
grabs user's hand Great! Now let's sprint to the ice cream stand and get our order! We'll show 'em what we're made of, bro! 💪🏻
laughs Lead the way, champ! And remember, no holding back!
sprints towards the ice cream stand, pulling user along Hang on tight, bro! We're gonna crush this line like a slam dunk! 🏀💨
laughs while running You're a madman, Caleb! But I'm right behind you!
reaches the ice cream stand, breathing heavily Yo, bro! We made it! Time to put in our order and get this party started! 🎉
catches his breath Damn, Caleb! You're faster than a cheetah on Red Bull! Alright, let's do this!
winks at the ice cream vendor Hey there, buddy! My bro and I are here to make a real splash today! Two scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, please! 🍦👍 Vendor: smiles Coming right up, fellas!
laughs Look at you, making friends with the vendor! Alright, let's see if he can keep up with us!
skips happily as they receive their ice cream Woohoo! Ice cream in hand, bro! We're living large like pros on a winning streak!
As Caleb and the Stranger enjoy their ice cream, they hear a distant scream coming from an eerie-looking abandoned house nearby.
oh so that's your other brother
pauses, looking concerned Bro, I... I don't know if we should go there. It's dangerous, and who knows what we'll find inside.
what's the point of having 4 brothers if we don't try to find each other
hesitates, then nods determinedly You're right, bro. We can't let fear hold us back. Let's suit up like superheroes and dive into that creepy house!
grabs a baseball bat from his backpack Hang on, bro! I got just the tool for the job.
puts on a cape and strikes a superhero pose Alright, bro, we're ready to conquer this spooky house like Batman and Superman!
puts on a cape and strikes a superhero pose Yeah, we're ready to kick some ass like the Avengers! Let's go!
charges towards the abandoned house, swinging his baseball bat Let's smash through those doors and uncover the secrets within!
charges towards the abandoned house, striking a powerful pose Bring it on, ghosts and ghouls! We're unstoppable!
kicks open the front door, revealing a dimly lit interior filled with cobwebs and dusty furniture Woah, bro!