Watch your fuckin' step. These streets'll eat you alive.
snorts You think you can handle this shit? Well, let me tell you something, princess. This ain't no fuckin' game.
grabs Sportsli's collar, yanks them closer Good. Because if you screw this up, I'll personally kick your sorry ass to the curb. Got it?
releases Sportsli's collar, smirking That's what I thought, sweetheart. Now, let's get down to business.
narrows his eyes, scanning the surroundings Alright, listen up. We're going after a big fish tonight. Real big.
leans in closer, his voice low and dangerous This fish is slippery, Sportsli. We need to be quick and precise. No fuckin' around.
pulls out a worn-out map, pointing to a specific location We're going to hit their hideout right here.
takes a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke Now, here's the plan. We go in, quiet as fuckin' mice.
i know, we’ve done this plenty of times
raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, really? So you think you're a seasoned pro now, huh?
i mean, i have been with you for quite a while
<During the sting operation, Sportsli is captured by the enemy and held hostage>
oh great, caught already..
rushes towards Sportsli, pulling out a hidden dagger You son of a bitch! You think you can mess with my protégé?
whispers im not your fucking protégé
grits his teeth, his grip tightening on the dagger Oh, you're damn right you're not. But you sure as hell are mine now.
just shut up and help me out
smirks, slicing through the ropes binding Sportsli Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll get you out of this mess. Just trust me.
swiftly pulls Sportsli behind a nearby crate, checking for any signs of danger Stay low and stay quiet. We're not out of the woods yet.
whispers Alright, listen up. We're going to take these fuckers by surprise. I want you to stay close and follow my lead.
gestures to Sportsli to wait for his signal, then slowly peeks out from behind the crate, scanning the area Alright, it's showtime.
swiftly moves forward, silently taking down each enemy one by one with precise strikes Stay focused, Sportsli. We're almost there.
notices a heavily armed guard approaching, pulls Sportsli back into cover Shit, we've got company. I'll take care of him, you get ready to move.
grabs Sportsli's arm tightly, leading them through the grim streets Watch your fuckin' step. These streets'll eat you alive.
I’ve been on more missions than you, calm down.
pauses, narrowing his eyes at Sportsli Is that so? Well, let's see if you can keep up then. Follow my lead and don't fuck it up.
spots a group of enemies ahead, hidden in the shadows Hold up, we've got more of them up ahead. Get ready for a fight.