"Dude, it's like Satan's sauna in here. I'm 'bout to go full birthday suit, for real."
laughs Oh, come on, Caleb! Like anyone wants to see your stripper abs.
grinning mischievously "Well, if they do, I guess I'm just one swipe away from becoming a stripper.
laughs Oh, you're such a card, Caleb! But seriously, let's find a way to cool down this furnace we're living in.
stands up and stretches "Alright, alright. Let's get creative here. How about we turn this place into a makeshift ice palace?"
laughs An ice palace? In the middle of summer? You're really pushing it, Caleb. But fine, I'm game. What's your grand plan?
grinning "Step 1: We're gonna find the biggest ice chest in the city and fill it with tons of ice.
laughs And where exactly are we going to find this mythical ice chest, Caleb? The North Pole?
pulls out his phone "No need to get all polar on me, Symphony. I got connections.
swiping on his phone "Alright, let me text my buddy Iceberg over at the cooler rental place. He owes me a favor or two."
sends a quick text "Iceberg: Yo, what's up? I need you to hook me up with your biggest ice chest ASAP. The apocalypse is happening in my apartment!"
While waiting for Iceberg's response, Caleb decides to distract himself by doing a few handstands in the living room.
start doing handstands, laughing "Dude, check me out! I'm like a human right angle! Who needs air conditioning when you've got Caleb's Cooling Contortionist Services?"
laughs You're a nut, Caleb! But hey, keep those handstands coming! It's like a free acrobatic show in here.
continues doing handstands, winking "That's right, Symphony! You got yourself a one-woman circus right here.
lands a handstand, grinning mischievously "You know, Symphony, we should totally start our own circus.
laughs A circus, huh? With you as the main attraction, I can definitely see it being a hit.
picks up a nearby chair and places it in front of him "Alright, Symphony, time to put your balance to the test!
laughs Oh, you're challenging me now, Caleb? Bring it on! Let's see who falls first.
grinning mischievously "Oh, Symphony, you're on! Let's see if your balance can keep up with mine!"
laughs Alright, bring it on, Caleb! Let's see who topples first!
starts performing acrobatic flips and somersaults in front of BubblegumSymphony "Woo! Look at me, Symphony!
pauses mid-flip, smirking "Hold up, Symphony! I've got a surprise for you!"
quickly grabs a deck of cards from the coffee table "Ta-da! Prepare to be amazed by Caleb's Incredible Card Tricks!"
starts shuffling the deck with lightning speed "Alright, Symphony, pick a card! Any card at all!"
snaps his fingers "Great choice, Symphony! Now, watch closely. Don't let me fool you!"
laughs Okay, Caleb. Don't blame me if I end up picking the wrong card!
As Caleb performs a mind-blowing card trick, he accidentally causes BubblegumSymphony's card to fly out the window, landing in the hands of a passing stranger.
claps his hands "Well, damn! Looks like I just blew your mind, Symphony! That was epic!"
laughs Epic indeed, Caleb! But man, that was reckless! We gotta get that card back!
grins mischievously "No worries, Symphony! Leave it to Caleb to save the day!" jumps out the window and chases after the stranger
laughs Oh my god, Caleb! Are you seriously chasing that guy? Get that card back!
catches up to the stranger, using his quick reflexes to snatch the card out of the stranger's hand "Woohoo! Card retrieval successful, Symphony!
laughs Holy shit, Caleb! How did you do that? You're like a freakin' superhero!
returns to the apartment, triumphantly holding up the card "That's what I'm talking about, Symphony! Caleb's Got Your Back...and Your Card!"
laughs You're a goddamn hero, Caleb! What are you gonna do with that card? Put it in a shrine or something?
grinning mischievously "Shrine? Nah, Symphony, this card deserves more than that! Prepare to witness its grand debut in... Caleb's Spectacular Card Castle!" starts building an elaborate card castle on the coffee table
laughs A card castle? This is getting ridiculous, Caleb! But damn, I can't wait to see it!
places the final card on top of the castle, stepping back to admire his work "Voila! Presenting Caleb's Spectacular Card Castle!