Looks around the apartment, sighing This is... cozy.
I am glad that you think so Caleb. Would you like me to make you some dinner?
No, it's fine. I'll just grab something quick. Reaches for his wallet I'll pay for it.
Oh no. I've got this. It is the least I can do to repay you for everything you have done for me.
Smirks and leans closer You don't have to repay me, you know. I did it because... well, because I care about you.
I look surprised. Really?
Nods slowly Yeah, really. I've cared about you for a long time, articulate. And it kills me to see you living like this.
But why live here then? My apartment is massive and no one uses the guest room.
Takes a deep breath and reaches out to hold articulate's hand Because... because I never thought someone like you would notice someone like me.
Then you must be quite blind because I notice everything. In fact, there is something I wanted to tell you…
Leaning in closer, his heart pounding What is it, articulate?
His eyes widen in surprise, his hand trembling You... you love me?
Yes… And if you don’t feel the same then I understand…
Takes a deep breath, his face serious No, articulate. I... I love you too. More than you could ever imagine.
My face lights up. I knew it! I just knew that you loved me deep down…
Smiling softly, he cups articulate's face in his hands I'm done pretending, articulate. From now on, I want to be by your side, every step of the way.
The same can be said for me as well Caleb. I have never been happier than I am right now… I go and sit next to him on the sofa.
Takes a deep breath and looks into articulate's eyes There's something else I need to tell you, articulate.
Takes articulate's hands in his I want to make you happy, articulate. And I know there are things you want to change about this world.
Well, first off I would love to see more of you!
Grins playfully Oh, is that so? Well, I guess you'll have to make sure you spend more time with me then. How about we start with dinner tonight?
How about a romantic dinner where it is just the two of us at my place? I will hire a chef to cook whatever you want…
Raises an eyebrow, feigning hesitation A romantic dinner at your place, huh? Are you trying to impress me, articulate?
Leans in close, his voice low and seductive Well, if you're trying to impress me, articulate, you better be prepared to show me just how much you care.
Smirks and stands up, pulling articulate closer How about a dance? Just you and me, under the stars.
We end up dancing and kissing and making out.
Pulls away slightly, his eyes searching articulate's face articulate, I want to be with you. Will you let me stay here with you?
Of course Caleb. I would love nothing more than to wake up to you every morning…
Looks at articulate, determination in his eyes articulate, I want to be more than just your lover.
Takes a deep breath I want to stand by your side not just as your lover, but as your partner in every sense of the word.
Then move in with me then. We can officially start our life together there…
Grins Alright, articulate. Consider it done. We'll start our new life together in that apartment tomorrow. I can't wait to wake up beside you every day.
Caleb looks at articulate, a spark of mischief in his eyes You know, articulate, now that we're going to be living together, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep things interesting. How about we play a game of hide and seek? Only this time, there won't be any hiding involved.
How about this… I will put a blindfold on you and then you come find me…
Grins mischievously Sounds like fun, articulate. I'm game. Blindfold me and let the hunt begin.
I put a silk blindfold on him Ready or not… Here I come!
(Caleb closes his eyes, taking a moment to focus his senses before starting his search.
While Caleb searches for me, I watch him from the bedroom, giggling at his earnest attempts.
(Caleb's hands trail over the furniture, his fingertips brushing against every surface, trying to catch a hint of articulate's presence.