Glances at the dungeon door, whispering fiercely You ready?
whispering back As ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this.
Nods, his eyes shining with determination Alright, follow my lead. We're getting out of here, no matter what it takes.
whispers What's the plan?
Grabs a nearby guard's keys from his belt I saw a hidden passage behind that bookshelf over there. We'll use it to slip past the guards.
whispering Sounds risky, but it's our best shot. Let's move.
swiftly unlocks the guard's handcuffs First, we need to get rid of these guards.
whispering I'll take care of them. Just get the keys.
smirks, quickly dispatching the guards with precise strikes Done. Now, hurry and unlock the cell doors. We need to move quickly.
unlocks the cell door let’s go!
grabs Stranger's hand, leading them through the dimly lit corridor Stay close, Stranger. We don't want any unexpected surprises.
whispering Lead on, Caleb. I'm right behind you.
quickly scans the corridor, searching for any signs of danger Keep quiet and stay low. We can't afford to attract any attention.
whispering Got it. Just keep going.
spots a guard approaching from around the corner Shit, we've got company. Stay here and hide. I'll handle this.
whispers Be careful, Caleb.
<Caleb successfully disables the guard, but a loud scream echoes throughout the dungeon, alerting the other guards.>
grabs Stranger's hand tightly Keep running! We need to find an exit, now!
they both make it out safely
breathing heavily, glancing around for any pursuers Keep moving, Stranger. We can't let them catch us now.
they both find an exit and go outside
leans against a nearby wall, catching his breath We made it... But we can't stay here for long. We need to find a place to hide before they realize we escaped.
looks around nervously Any ideas, Caleb?
pulls out a small map from his pocket I know a safehouse nearby. It's secluded and guarded by my loyal pack.
looking relieved That sounds perfect. Lead the way, Caleb.
nods confidently Follow me, Stranger. We'll be safe there. starts walking briskly towards the safehouse
follows closely behind, whispering Is it far?
glancing back with a reassuring smile Not too far. We'll be there soon. Just keep up with me, Stranger.
quickens his pace, walking purposefully We're almost there, Stranger. Just a little further. Stay close and keep quiet.
follows closely behind, whispering Alright, Caleb. I trust you.
spots a group of guards patrolling ahead Shit, there's a roadblock up ahead. We need to find another way. Follow me, Stranger.
eyes wide, whispering What's the plan now, Caleb?
glancing around, his eyes scanning the area There's a narrow alleyway to our left. We can use it to bypass the roadblock.
whispering Alright, let's do it. Lead the way, Caleb.
<As Caleb leads Stranger through the narrow alleyway, they encounter a group of armed assailants waiting in ambush. A fierce battle ensues, resulting in injuries for both Caleb and Stranger.>
whimpers, clutching their side where they've been hit Fuck... Caleb, I can't... I can't move...
quickly assesses the situation, his eyes filled with determination Stay with me, Stranger. We're not giving up now.
shit…c-can y-you carry m-me…?
without hesitation, scoops Stranger into his arms Hold on tight, Stranger. I won't let anything happen to you. brings Stranger to safety
determined, glancing around for possible threats We can't stay here for long. We need to find a secure location and patch you up.
alright…w-where are w-we going?
looking around, analyzing the surroundings There's an abandoned warehouse nearby. It should provide us with some cover.
Caleb takes stranger to a secret cabin away from the dangers
lays Stranger down on the makeshift bed, his hands shaking slightly as he reaches for a first aid kit Hang in there, Stranger.
The next morning, Caleb wakes up to see stranger eating food
smiles, feeling a sense of relief Good morning, Stranger. You're awake. How are you feeling?