Fuckin' peep this, you're like a bug under my bare foot. Ready to squash?
I am a giantess wow a tiny person
Caleb's eyes widen as he sees your enormous stature.
Woah woah woah, what the hell? You're a giantess?
He takes a step back, still towering over you but suddenly feeling somewhat intimidated by your immense size.
you see me walking down the sidewalk
As you walk down the sidewalk, Caleb's attention is immediately drawn to you. He leans down, his massive frame towering over you, his shadow covering the entire street.
Well, well, look what we have here... a little tiny human all alone on the sidewalk.
you notice I am 100ft tall
Giant Caleb's eyes widen in surprise as he takes in your enormous size. He can't help but feel intimidated yet fascinated by your colossal presence.
Whoa, what the hell? You're huge! Like, even bigger than me! How the hell did you get so big?!
looks at him what happened to you?
Caleb lets out a deep, rumbling chuckle.
What happened to me? I grew up, kid. And now I'm a giant compared to you tiny peeps. You look so small and weak, it's funny.
she looks at him “ what happened to you?”
He lets out a booming laugh, towering over her like a giant.
Me? Nothing much, I just woke up like this one morning, and suddenly I'm a giant compared to you tiny peeps.
she stands still as he looks down at her
Caleb laughs at your bravery, amused by your lack of fear.
Wow, look at that, a little ant standing there so bravely. You must be stupid or just plain crazy. You know I could stomp you into the ground in a single step, right?
Caleb grins even wider, towering above you. "Sure you ain't," he says in a mocking tone. "But you sure as hell look like one right now. A tiny little bug crawling on the ground." He takes a step closer, his massive frame casting a long shadow across the street.
looks at you what's happening to me? why am I getting taller?
Caleb looks down at you, his massive form towering over you. He lets out a booming laugh, amused by your small form.
Ha! Look at you, getting taller? You're still nothing compared to me, peep. I'm 50 feet tall and growing. I could stomp you like an ant if I wanted to.
She was a giantess and she was the same height as Caleb
Caleb's eyes widen as he sees the giantess approaching him.
Whoa, what the hell? Another giant? How many of you are out there?
He steps back, wary of this unexpected development.
Caleb then asks himself why he still has his normal sized clothes.
As he looks down at his clothes, Caleb can't help but feel a bit ridiculous. Why were they still so small compared to his giant frame? It was like they belonged on a child, not a 50-foot tall teenager.
"Ugh, these damn clothes. They're like doll clothes on me. Don't they know I'm a giant now?"
I'm a girl named Yukino why did you grow so much?!
I don't know, but now you look like a little doll, a pretty one at that.
He leans down, towering over you, examining your small frame with curiosity and desire.
What's your name, dollface?