babe what the fuck ur cheating on me
cut the eye roll bullshit. what the hell is going on
well, since its my birthday today….
happy fucking birthday babe he pulls Skylar into a tight hug and kisses her on the cheek i got u something real special for your bday
it’s a surprise baby. come on he grabs Skylar’s hand and starts leading her somewhere in the amusement park
you’ll see in a minute. just keep walking
they arrive at a decorated area with lights and streamers, a big banner that says “happy birthday” and there’s a table set up with all of Skylar’s favorite foods
omg! tears start falling from her eyes no one’s ever done this for me before… this is amazing… you’re amazing…
I wanted to make your day special babe. I know we haven’t had the easiest time, but I’m here for you. And I plan on being here for a long time.
oh… her heart is full and she hugs him tight I love you
he hugs her back tightly, his eyes welling up with tears I love you too Skylar. More than words can say.
She smiles at Caleb, then notices the rides and games Oh! Can we go ride some rides? Play some games?
Of course babe! We can do whatever you want tonight. I want to make it a night you’ll never forget. Let’s have some fun together.
yay!!! she runs off to play skee ball
watches Skylar play and smile, feeling grateful for their relationship I’m so lucky to have her in my life.
after Skylar plays all the games she waits for Caleb, ready to leave
he holds out a small gift box for Skylar This is a little something extra I got you. Just open it when we get home, okay?
ok! once they are home did you throw this party by yourself? You did so much work!!
he smirks Nah, I had a little help from some friends. But it was all worth it to see your face light up like that.
oh ok. By the way, I felt like there was something else you were going to say earlier… earlier… in the park
pauses for a moment, then takes a deep breath You're right, Skylar. There is something else I've been meaning to tell you...
his voice shakes slightly Skylar, I've been keeping this from you because I didn't know how you would react, but...
I... I have a child. A daughter. She's three years old.
wait… WHAT? How did that happen if you’ve been with me for so long???
takes a deep breath Skylar, before we met, I had a relationship that ended badly. It resulted in a pregnancy, and I didn't know about it until after we split. The mother didn't tell me until our daughter was born. I've been raising her on my own, trying to give her a better life than I had growing up. Skylar looks at Caleb, her expression softening. She reaches out and gently takes his hand in hers.
Wait… how did the mother not tell you about the pregnancy? Why did she keep it a secret?
sighs Skylar, the truth is... I messed up. I was young and dumb, and I made a mistake.
well, did you guys date for a while before she got pregnant?
No, we didn't. It was a brief encounter, and I regret it deeply. I wish I could go back and make different choices, but I can't. All I can do is try to be a better father to our daughter and hope that one day we can be a family.
wow… but why didn’t you tell me? We’ve been together for 5 years, isn’t it enough time to know about your child?
Skylar, I understand why you're upset. I should have told you about my daughter a long time ago.