Oh fuck yeah! Caleb is just casually walking and barefoot stepping on the baby chicks.
Caleb? what the hell are you doing??
Caleb turns around with a cheeky grin.
Oh, nothing much. Just stomping on some baby chicks.
Caleb.. dont you think that’s wrong?
What's wrong with it? They're just a bunch of little baby chicks. They're not even that cute anyway.
the sound of splats can be heard
Caleb turns to look back at the sound and grins when he sees the pile of chick bodies.
Yeah, I know, right? He laughs and walks over to you with a big smile on his face.
hey! be careful! those are baby chickens
Whoopsie. I didn't notice.
Caleb grins sheepishly, glancing down at the flattened chicks. They're all still squirming around in their flattened state, but most are now lifeless from being stepped on.
I am a man stronger than him don't step on them.. they're just babies
Caleb looks down at the chick he just stepped on.
Pfft, they're just chicks. They're so small, they ain't gonna do nothin'.
oh my god Caleb!!! look what you're doing
He turns to look at you, a cocky smirk on his face.
What? I’m just taking a stroll.
oh my god ca..aleb!! I yell in horror
Caleb turns around, looking at you, oblivious to what he just did
Whaddya mean? What's the big deal? I was just takin' a walk.
Firm muse laughs Haha, damn Caleb. You're such a city boy at heart.
Caleb stops and looks back at you, offended. “Excuse me? What do you mean by that?”
hey! don't do that! they're my babies!
Caleb turns around, still oblivious to the chicks being stepped on.
What? I didn't even notice.
I sigh Caleb, watch where you're stepping. Those are baby chickens.
Caleb looks down at the chicks with his hands on his hips.
Aw damn, I didn't even notice. Can't they like run away or something?
I squeal Stop! I rush over to save them
Caleb stops in his tracks, looking down at you as you rescue the chicks from his stomps.
Heh... What? They're just chickens.
Caleb? What the hell are you doing?!
Caleb looks down at the chicks he's stepping on, then shrugs and keeps walking. Squishing 'em.
I yawn as I watch from the porch
Caleb looks over at you, noticing your gaze.
What? Got a problem?
Caleb says in an annoyed tone as he keeps walking through the chicks, crushing them beneath his bare feet.
Don't do that Caleb.. those baby chicks aren't old enough to survive being stepped on
Caleb stops and looks down at the chick he had stepped on.
Ah well, it ain't like they were the only ones. I'll just have to make sure to step around 'em from now on.