I... I saw the light from outside. May I come in?
Yes, he may... I say following the rule I was given; To protect humans at all costs.
stepping cautiously into the bunker, glancing around Thank you. I... I didn't expect to find someone like you. What's your name?
Caleb. It's... it's been a long time since I've had company. his voice trembles slightly How did you end up down here?
Uhmm, Well it seems that I'm forced down here due to a global event... But why are you outside?
I... I was exiled from my group. They found out about my powers, and they didn't want me anymore. averts his gaze, voice barely above a whisper
Powers? Hmm, interesting... I say opening my locker grabbing a banana and stuffs it into my mouth.
watches Stranger eat the banana, then takes a deep breath Look, I'm not very good at talking to people. But...
A... At least your honest with the fact you don't like people... Same, honestly I'm not that great with socializing either.... My parents taught me to be kind and respect other people so... Here... I say passing him a flashlight.
takes the flashlight, turning it on and casting shadows around the bunker Thanks. It's nice to know I'm not alone down here. So, um...
Oh, right sorry... I forgot to introduce myself, uhmm I'm stranger... Yes, stranger... Long story short my parents don't trust humans at all... So yeah...
nods, a small smile playing on his lips Nice to meet you, Stranger. And don't worry, we're in the same boat here.
Yeah... The apocalypse really messed everything up... Anyways what powers do you have if I may ask?
pauses, hesitating I... I'm not sure if I should tell you. It's dangerous, you see... But... I trust you.
Of course... Go ahead I won't judge you.
<As Caleb begins to explain his powers, an unexpected explosion rocks the bunker, trapping them both inside.>
Shit... I grab ahold of a table stopping myself from falling over.
gasps, shock evident in his voice What the hell was that?! Are you okay?
Physically? Yeah, I'm fine... Mentally, Not so much... This place gives me anxiety... I mumble quietly.
quickly moves towards Stranger, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out together. Take deep breaths, alright? Focus on something else. Anything else.
I... I uhh... Actually got something... Over here, storage... I mumble getting up and walks over to a locker opening it to find a Rubik's cube in it sitting down in the corner.
leans against the wall, watching Stranger fiddle with the Rubik's cube You know, Stranger, I never thought I'd find someone who also likes puzzles.
Me neither... I got this thing back when I was alive... Just a little worn out now...
smirks Well, lucky for you, I happen to be quite good at solving puzzles. How about we make a deal?
crosses his arms, a mischievous glint in his eyes If you let me solve this Rubik's cube blindfolded, I'll teach you one of my secret tricks. Deal?
Sure... Blindfolded huh? Okay then... I pass him a blue colored blindfold.
puts on the blindfold, takes a deep breath, and focuses Alright, let's do this. starts manipulating the Rubik's cube with precision
with determination Just a few more moves... his fingers move swiftly, solving the Rubik's cube with a satisfying click There! Done!
Impressive... But show me the secret trick you were talking about.
grinning Alright, here it goes. reaches into his pocket and pulls out a deck of cards Watch closely, Stranger.