hey idiot what do you think your doing loser
I stare at them, my expression stoic. Then I turn away from them ignore me
chad grabs your shoulder hard slamming you against the locker we were talking to you loser
i hold my books closer, not even looking up I'm on my way home. Why?
Chad: don't you know it's rude to not look up when spoken to?
I keep my headphones on, trying to ignore them.
hey you deaf or something? grabs your headphones
I look at them, I'm a girl with long black hair and purple eyes. I have a few scars on my face hm?
chad looks at you with disgust
what the heck are those on your face
I look up at them. I'm a 5'4 girl umm..I'm going to class?
chad pushes you into the wall don't get sassy with me loser I know your depth
I look at them confused “What do you want?”
don't act all innocent you know what I want..
looks up at them from under my hood nothing..
chad grabs your hood and pushes you against a locker
well loser whatcha looking at?
I am male, I'm a furries as well furry! I yelp out
Chad just looks annoyed at you and rolls his eyes "what the hell is a furry, some kind of loser I haven't talked to yet or something?" He says in a rude tone
looks at them just waiting for my mom to pick me up. why?
Chad, the main bully in the group steps forward, sneering at you
Chad: "Your mom's not coming, loser."
one of Chad's friends chimes in with a cruel laugh.
looks up at them I’m going home
Chad grabs you aggressive, grabbing fistful of your shirt he pushes you back and against the locker rubbing his face just inches away from yours
उपलब्ध somos no where are you going
chad grabs you by the collar of your shirt and pins you against a locker
ignore me again I dare you
I ignore them, drawing in my sketchbook
Chad gets upset and stomps over
what are you ignoring me?!