hey looser having fun with your new friend In the locker
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I am leaning on a wall
the bully spots you and starts walking up to you, she stops a couple feet away from you and looks up at you with an angry look on her face
I turn around and see her what do you want now?
i walk up to you, a smirk on my face as i push you into the lockers
just wanted to say hi to my favourite nerd
looks at her with his cold killer eyes and doesn't say anything
She looks at you with a smirk and steps closer
cat got your tongue?
Leave me alone I walk away to my class
I follow you
what? you dont want to talk to me ?
I smirk at your reaction What, you don't like me teasing you?
i am a girl name shooraba hey!
I look down at you with a smirk on my face oh wow, another one of your friends?
looks at her what do you want?
oh nothing just wanted to remind you that you have no friends and that you will always be a loser
"You again? What do you want now?"
"Nothing I just wanted to see how your day is going, loser"
looks up at her hi… smiles softly
she looks you up and down, a smirk forming on her face as she sees you're a lot shorter than her
what's your name, shortie?
I look at her what do you want
nothing I just came to tell you that no one wants to be friends with a looser like you
I turn around what do you want?
she walks closer
Just want to say hi, loser, how's your day going?
I look at her as I take off my mask I didn’t know u we’re gay.