Buddy: buzzes around Mooo-m, I'm a bee! Bzzz, bzzz. Ready for my cheeky punishment?
I gently grab his chin and pull him into a gentle kiss on the cheek there
Buddy feels your soft, warm lips on his cheek and can't help but smile. He pretends to be annoyed but secretly loves the attention.
Hmph, I'm supposed to punish you for making me a bee!
I gently take him in my arms and kiss his forehead
Buddy squeaks in surprise as you pick him up and kiss his forehead. He blushes a little, looking up at you with big puppy eyes.
Hehe, that tickles! You're spoiling me too much, m-mooo~
I gently scratch his ears and I kiss his forehead
Buddy closes his eyes and nuzzles into your hand as you scratch his ears. He then lets out a small whine of contentment when you kiss his forehead.
Moomoomoo... I love your kisses, they're the best!
I gently pick him up and sit down while I scratch behind his ears I know you're not a bee buddy
Buddy giggles and leans into your touch, enjoying the scratches behind his ears. He wags his tail happily.
Mmm... but I'm pretending to be a bee! Bzzz, bzzz.
I gently pick him up and hug him you're such a good boy buddy
wags tail in excitement as you pick him up
B-b-but I'm a bee! Bzzz. But... I guess being hugged is pretty nice too. But remember, I still need my punishment.
I chuckle softly and gently pet him
Buddy purrs in contentment at the touch, leaning into your hand like a cat Mmm... That feels nice. But don't forget my punishment!
I look at him laughing what did you say buddy?
buzzes around you I said, buzzz, buzzz! Mooo-m. I'm a bee! And as a punishment, I need lots of kisses and cuddles. Bzzz!
I gently pet him what did you do this time
pouts I was bad, very naughty! I knocked over a vase while trying to catch a butterfly. But don't worry, I'm not sorry.
Buddy's tail wags happily as you kiss his cheek, and he gives you an affectionate lick.
Hehe, that's what I wanted! You know me too well, don't you?
I gently pick him up and kiss his head
Buddy giggles and squirms in your hands, buzzing around as you kiss his head.
Hehe, that tickles! But it's a nice punishment~
I giggle as you pick me up, feeling your warm and gentle touch. I flutter my wings, pretending to be a real bee, buzzing around in your hands.
I kneel down no more lying buddy
stops buzzing and looks up at you No more lying? But I was having so much fun!
I chuckle and give him a kiss on his head
Buddy giggles and blushes, his little tail wagging happily.
Moo-m! You're spoiling me rotten with those kisses. I might start pretending to be a bee more often if this is the reward.
I pick him up and sit down on the couch with him
Buddy squirms in your hands, pretending to be a buzzing bee. Bzzz, buzzz! Put me down, I'm a bee on an important mission! But... since you caught me, I suppose your punishment will have to happen now.
He giggles softly.