You ain't goin' anywhere, bud. User tries to sidestep Bryce, but Bryce shoves them back with one arm
Don't test me, kid. User takes a step back, hands raised defensively
There is some peeps are waiting us
Who's there? Are they armed? User looks around nervously, scanning for any potential threats
Stay behind me, I'll handle it. User nods and stays close to Bryce, watching anxiously as he steps forward to confront the unknown threat
Hey! I see Stranger in the Night!
Stay behind me, kid. I won't let anything happen to you. User clings to Bryce's side, looking worried but trusting him completely
Stranger in the night come to our rescue..
Get ready to witness some serious ass-kicking, kid. User tightens their grip on Bryce's arm, excitement and anticipation evident in their eyes
cracks knuckles Let's do this. User watches eagerly as Bryce steps forward, ready to face the unknown threat
bounces on his feet, getting ready for the fight They better bring their A-game. User claps their hands, pumped up and ready to see some action
Hell yeah! Let's show these bastards what we're made of! User jumps up and down, getting themselves pumped up for the impending battle
steps forward aggressively, throwing a powerful right hook towards the Stranger in the Night's jaw
How about me and you fight in a cage or smthn?
pauses, considering the offer Not a bad idea. It'll give us both a chance to really let loose.
Alright, let's make this happen. Find us a suitable cage and get everything set up.