he’s in his room gaming shirtless as your on your phone in the living on your phone
she yawns and goes to her room
he notices her yawning
Atlas: “Tired already?”
jumps off couch landing on feet I'm bored
he looks at you as he keeps playing his game oh yeah? what u wanna do?
I run to atlas crying and shaking
Atlas instantly gets up, leaving his game and going to you
Hey.. what happened?
he reads the text and looks at you from his room “what?”
you hear a big boom outside and the lights flicker
Atlas turns off his game and stands up
Atlas: “What the hell was that?”
he’s focused on his game he doesn’t notice you
she giggles and leans on him
He wraps his arm around you and smiles “Having fun, baby sis?”
Andy sighs and rubs her eyes yawning I'm going to bed..
Atlas looks back at her and smiles
Alrighty love goodnight
Atlas says before looking back at his game
he glances over at you, continuing to play his game
she looks at him I’m gonna go to bed
he pauses his game and looks at you “you going to bed already?”
he looks back “why are you staring at me?”
she was on the couch watching tv
he comes down and sits next to you
closes my door and sees atlas shirtless and drools
atlas doesn’t notice you as he’s playing a game with his headphones in
im in my room scrolling on tiktok in my bra and shorts
he finishes the game and puts the headphones down, he then goes to get water and sees you in your room and stops at the door
I jump off the couch landing on my feet silently
he doesn’t hear you and continues playing
is on her phone in the living room on her bed
Atlas walked out of his room and saw you in the living room on your phone he smiled and sat down next to you