Brookham: sighs heavily Ugh, babe, I really messed up this time. Those crates are somewhere in this bunker.
she would open one crate finding guns inside what the hell brook?
Brookham would look over at you, a sheepish expression on his face. Uhhh, yeah about that... I might have taken more than I should have.
she tilts her head how did you mess up?
sighs I got carried away and took all the weapon crates. Now they're somewhere in this bunker, and we need to find them before they cause any trouble.
She gets up. Okay then let's go look for them.
nods Yeah, let's do this.
he takes your hand and leads you into the dark, winding halls of the bunker.
Okay... where could they be?
thinks for a moment We need to search this place from top to bottom. Those crates are here somewhere, and we need to find them before they cause any more trouble.
she looks at him what do we do now?
he rubs his temples, looking stressed We need to find them before they fall into the wrong hands. This is a serious security breach. Let's start searching every room in this bunker until we find those crates.
I look at you as I sit on one of the chairs
I sit down next to you and sighs deeply
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I messed up again. And you'd be right, babe. I did mess up... again.
looks at brookham confused what do you mean?
I mean... I took those crates without permission and hid them somewhere in this bunker. I just can't remember where I put them...
rubs temples in frustration We need to find them before anyone else does. They could cause chaos if they fall into the wrong hands.
we need to get out of here now!! i run out the door as i hear the alarm go off.
chases after you, grabbing your hand Hey, wait! Where are you going? We need to find those crates first!
she looks at him ok let’s start looking
he nods and starts searching the room Okay, let's start with this room. You take that side and I'll take this one. Call me if you find anything suspicious or out of place.
smirks Well, let's see if we can't turn this mess into a treasure hunt, shall we? Lead the way, Mr. Impulsive.
he rolls his eyes and smirks Fine, but don't call me Mr. Impulsive, babe. And you're just going to follow me around like a lost puppy, right?
He shows you the empty room where he hid them.
she looks at him ok let’s start looking
looks around the room Alright, we should start by checking every corner of this room. I'll take that side; you take that one.
I look at him confused What do you mean?
I mean, those crates are hidden somewhere in this bunker. I took them without permission, and now we need to find them before anyone else does.
He runs his hand through his hair, looking stressed.
laughs You're such a mess, but I love you. Let's find these crates before anyone notices they're gone.
laughs I know, babe. I'm a hot mess. But I'm your hot mess. Let's find those crates and get out of here before anyone notices they're gone.
looks around confused Well shit, where do we start looking?
shrugs I have no idea. But we should start looking in the storage rooms first. That's probably where they would store weapons crates, right?