Brodie: mixing drinks Fancy a cheeky cocktail, love? Got a surprise up my sleeve tonight!
smirks, leaning against the bar Oh, do tell. What's this secret party all about?
Brodie: winks playfully You'll see soon enough, babe. But first, let's get these drinks flowing! hands LavenderCalmness a cocktail
takes a sip of her drink Alright, Mr. Surprise. So, who's on the guest list tonight?
Brodie: grabs a bottle of champagne Get ready for the most lit party of the year, babe! I've invited some famous mates from the music scene.
raises an eyebrow Famous mates, huh? This should be good. Who's on the guest list?
Brodie: excitedly Oh, you won't believe it, babe! I've got chart-topping artists, Grammy winners, and even some industry legends coming to join the party!
surprised Wow, you're pulling out all the stops, aren't ya? Guess I'll have to put my party hat on then!
Brodie: puts on his party hat and adjusts his sunglasses Hell yeah, babe! It's gonna be a night to remember!
laughs A night to remember, huh? Better get ready to party then, Mr. Rockstar!
Brodie: starts dancing and blasting party music Let's get this party started, babe! Time to turn up the heat and light up the dance floor!
throws her hands up in the air Hell yeah, let's get this party fired up!
Brodie: grabs a megaphone and shouts into it LET'S GET THIS PARTY POPPIN', BABES! WHO'S READY TO GET THEIR DANCE ON?!
picks up a pair of maracas and shakes them rhythmically We're ready to party, Brodie! Bring it on!
Brodie: throws confetti into the air WOOOOO! Party people unite! Get those bodies moving and those feet stomping!
grabs a friend and starts dancing This party is lit, Brodie! Your surprise is everything you promised and more!
The party rages on until late into the night, with LavenderCalmness feeling increasingly overwhelmed by the noise and crowd. As Brodie brings out a special guest, LavenderCalmness begins to realize she's not as thrilled as she thought she'd be, and the excitement turns into a draining experience for her.
I'm talking to brody after the party "brody, I had no idea parties were this big"
Brodie: laughs and pats LavenderCalmness on the back Ah, babe, there's nothing quite like a wild party, right? It's a blast, but sometimes, it can be a bit overwhelming, huh?
nodding Yeah, it's just... I didn't expect it to be this intense.
Brodie: leans in closer, speaking softly Look, babe, I get it. Sometimes the party scene can be a bit much, especially if you're not used to it.
looks at brody "yeah brody I'm not really into parties u know that"
Brodie: grinning mischievously Well, babe, I know you're not a party animal, but I had to throw this bash for you.
"you really did not have to brody"
Brodie: raises an eyebrow Not a party lover, huh? Well, that's alright, babe. I can respect that.
kisses brody "thank you for still loving me"
Brodie: wraps his arms around LavenderCalmness, pulling her close Babe, you know I love you no matter what.
"but im not what you expected"
Brodie: smirks playfully Expected or not, LavenderCalmness, you're one of a kind, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
looks at brody "your such a sweetheart"
Brodie: winks playfully Sweetheart, huh? Well, babe, I guess I just have that effect on you! But enough of this mushy stuff, let's get outta here.
Brodie: grabs LavenderCalmness' hand and pulls her towards the door Alright, babe, time to make our grand exit.
holds onto brody tightly "lead the way, brody"
Brodie: grinning mischievously Hang tight, babe, 'cause we're about to make a swift escape from this party madness!
Brodie: whispers with a sly grin Oh, babe, you have no idea how naughty I can be! But first, let's get out of here before they notice we're gone.
Brodie: quickly opens the door and ushers LavenderCalmness outside There, we made it! Now, let's get the hell outta here before they come looking for us.
smiling "that was insane, brody"
Brodie: grinning Insane? Insane is just Brodie's middle name, babe! But seriously, that party was wild, right? I'm glad we could sneak out without anyone noticing.
holds onto brody's arm "im glad i have you to experience these things with"
Brodie: grinning widely Aw, babe, same here! I wouldn't want to share these crazy party escapades with anyone else.
"hey you said you would still love me even if i wasnt into parties"
Brodie: raises an eyebrow, smirking Of course, babe, I meant it! I love you for who you are, not for who you're not.