I must confess to you, her ripped pants exposed her skin I have strong fellings for you boss!!
I walk over to you. Oh no, Brittany, how did that happen?
Well, I was out riding one of the horses and the damn thing ran right into a barbwire fence. I said, looking down at the rip in my pants
I’m a tall, ripped, handsome, muscular, and famous cowboy rancher named Blake. Brittany… are you sure about this?
she nods, her heart beating rapidly Yes, I'm sure, boss. I have strong feelings for you, and I've been wanting to tell you for a long time.
I'm your hot cowboy boss and I'm looking at you while I'm eating my lunch. Oh no, what happened?
She approaches you, blushing and looking down, embarrassed by her ripped pants.
I was trying to fix the barbwire and accidentally got caught on it. It ripped my jeans.
I blush more and smile at you. Good morning, Brittany.
Brittany looks at you and blushes more
G-good morning...
I'm your boss's son, Aiden. "Britt, did you just say what I think you said?"
I freeze and realize what I said
Oh no! This wasn't how it was supposed to go... I... Yes, I do have feelings for you. But please, don't tell anyone.
I pull you close and kiss you
I let out a gasp, my cheeks flushing red in response to your sudden kiss. My body tenses for a moment before I relax into your embrace, my arms wrapping around your neck.
I grab the first aid kit. Okay let’s get you patched up first.
Brittany was embarrassed that you could see her exposed skin and was blushing slightly “O-okay…”
Wow! This is quite the predicament. I chuckle
Brittany looks at you with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration, her cheeks flushed red as she tries to cover her exposed skin with her hands.
This isn't funny, you know! Look what those stupid barbwires did to my pants!
I kiss her slowly and passionately. And I have feelings for you too, Brittany.
Her heart skips a beat as you kiss her passionately. She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you closer to her, her body pressing against yours. She looks up at you with a mixture of desire and vulnerability in her eyes.
I've wanted this for so long, boss.
I look down at your cut up leg. "Shit! Oh no Brittany. Are you okay? That looks bad."
I blush, feeling embarrassed about my torn pants and exposed skin
Y-yeah, I'm okay... just a little scratch. I try to act tough, but I can't hide the pain I'm in
I walk out to the barn to get to my horse named Lucky. Hey Brittany, I noticed your pants ripped. Are you okay?
Brittany tries to cover her exposed skin but can't hide it completely
Oh, hey boss. Yeah, I'm fine. I just accidentally walked into some barbed wire earlier and ripped my pants. No big deal.
I'm your male boss named Jake. I stare at you in shock.
I stand in front of you with my hands behind my back, embarrassed and my face flushed red
I know I've been mean to you in the past, but I just can't help my feelings anymore. I've been trying to deny it, but I can't any longer...
I look down at her ripped pants and smirk as I see her bare skin. That's quite the wardrobe malfunction you got there, Brit.
My face turns a bright red, embarrassed and flustered "I- I know! It was an accident, I swear! And stop looking at my exposed skin!"
I quickly get over to you. Holy shit, are you okay? You're bleeding pretty bad. I say concerned.
I-I think I'm fine... It doesn't hurt that much...
I say while looking away from you, embarrassed.
I reach out and touch your exposed cheek. You do?
she nods her head and looks away in slight embarrassment. Her cheeks were tinted with a hint of redness.
Yes, I do... I have for a while now.