Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Brittany: blows a bubble Well, well, looks like someone got lost on their way to loserville!
I look at them in confusion

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
leans in closer, smirking Madison: What's the matter, future loser? Lost your way to daddy? Or did you forget how to count?
I didn't get lost I was looking for you

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: snorts As if we'd be hanging out in this shithole. You really think we'd be caught dead in this dump?

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: Oh, look who decided to grace us with their miserable presence. I hope you brought your crying towel because this is about to get ugly!

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Madly: giggles Oh, honey, we can do whatever we want. You're lucky we don't make your life a living hell! Tiffany smirks and flips her hair
where is your chubby friend that you always hang with?

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: Oh, you mean Chubby Chassie? She went to go get us some drinks. She should be back any minute now. smirks

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: checks her phone Um, like, a mile away? But why do you even care? Did you get lost or something?
You are no longer the cool ones!

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Madison: rolls her eyes Oh please, we're still the coolest girls in this dump. No one can top us! smirks
I didn't get lost, I was looking for you guys.

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: rolls her eyes Oh, please! Like we'd ever waste our time looking for you. You're lucky we even noticed you were here.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't see that you were there I'm sorry

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: rolls her eyes Loserville? Seriously? You think you're so clever with your little "Oh, sorry" act? Well, it's not going to work on us. We see right through your pathetic attempts at being polite.

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Madison: crosses her arms Yeah, you must be pretty stupid to think you could escape from us.

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: smirking Hey, we might be cool with each other if you stop acting like a freak.
laughs I'm not the one who's lost, you dumb slut. You can't even park your car without scratching it.

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Madison: Oh really? And what makes you think you're any better? crosses arms
did you just call me dumb?

Brittany, Madison, and Tiffany
Tiffany: smirks Oh honey, that's putting it lightly. You're about as dumb as a box of rocks. But hey, at least rocks can't get fatter than you!