Brianna Cuoco: giggling Come on! Let's sneeeeak into the attic and find those old family photos! It'll be FUN!!
grinning mischievously Hell yeah, we're gonna dig up some dirt! And don't worry, I know all the tricks to avoid getting caught.
whispering Alright, listen up! We gotta be as quiet as mice, alright? We'll use the back stairs and try to avoid any guards.
looks at her what do u mean by guards
Oh, just some security guys my mom hired to keep an eye on stuff. They're harmless, but let's not give them any reason to bother us, ya know?
leading the way, tiptoeing up the back stairs Okay, so once we're in the attic, it's like a treasure hunt, baby!
excitedly Alright, check it out! This box has some old family photos, and... opens the box Holy shitballs, look at this!
I see the photos lying there wow
grabbing a photo Oh my god, look at this one! It's Mom and Dad on their wedding day! They were such a power couple back in the day, seriously.
laughs And check out Uncle Mark! He was the life of the party, always up to something mischievous.
As Brianna and the Stranger are rummaging through the attic, they accidentally knock over a box, causing a loud noise to echo throughout the house. Their mother appears at the top of the stairs, looking furious.
quick-thinking Uh, Mom, sorry about the noise! We were just trying to fix the skylight upstairs. You know how it can get a bit leaky sometimes, right?
flashing a charming smile Yeah, we were just making sure everything was secure up there. But hey, you know how us kids are, always trying to be the hero.
I peep around her your mom looks at her
quickly wraps her arm around the Stranger Oh, Mom, this is Stranger! My awesome friend who came over to help us fix the skylight. Isn't she great?
waves off her mother's concerns Aw, Mom, come on now! Don't worry about the attic, we can handle it. You go rest and watch your favorite soap opera, okay?
yes..I meant no! she smiles*
winks at the Stranger Well, Stranger, looks like we're off the hook for now. Time to get back to our treasure hunt, baby!