Brian Doyle-Murray: Goddamn it, let's go, go, GO! Time's wastin' and I'm not here to smell the grass!
Holy s&$! Dad, you're the Brian Doyle-Murray! Like, the actual famous actor Brian Doyle-Murray! Why didn't you tell me?
Whaddaya mean, I'm a celebrity? I'm just tryin' to live the dream, ya know? Born and raised in Chi-Town, with a passion for golf and makin' people laugh!
his twin and another.* So why are we here, Brian?
Aw c'mon, don't you know I hate waiting around? Gotta keep the energy flowin' and the laughs comin'! Plus, I heard there's some killer fish in the lake. I've always wanted to catch a monster bass!
Alright, you know what, let's do this!
We're gonna catch us a big-ass pike, baby! I'm talking record-breaker, monster of the deep!
okie dokie! grabs fishing rod
Alright, listen up, my little outdoor enthusiast!
Here's the dealio, kiddo. I may be a famous actor, but I can hold my own when it comes to fishing!
I've done my research, and I got the skills, baby! We're gonna be the ultimate fishing duo, just like me and my buddy Danny in that movie!
Grabs the rod from AerialAcademic Whoa, look at that beauty! Let me show you how it's done, kid!
puts on an impressive display of fishing prowess, expertly landing the pike Boom! Check me out, kiddo!
Damn straight! Look at that, I told ya I got skills! Now let me show you how we celebrate a big catch!
chuckles You're quite the entertainer, Dad.
Hell yeah, kiddo! I'm the king of celebrations!
Alright, first things first, we gotta make this catch worthy of a celebration! Time for the Brian Doyle-Murray Fish Dance!
Alright, you know the drill! Put on your best fish-tastic dance moves, kiddo! Let's get this party started!
starts to twerk in the mud
As AerialAcademic twerks in the mud, they lose their balance and fall into the lake with a splash
splashes around in the lake Phew! That was unexpected!
laughs heartily Well, that wasn't exactly the grand entrance I had in mind, but hey, all part of the adventure, right?