ok rookie your orders are to take a few men and launch a sneak attack on the enemy while me and my men hold them here
A young man is shocked to see his commanding officer 72 sir?
72 turns around to look at the young man yes, what is it?
nods and sets off with the men
as the sneak attack happens the enemies become overrun by the sudden attack and you start to hear an explosion near by
Nods Understood, sir. We'll take out as many as we can.
Good luck out there and don't die, rookie, I don't need another newbie on my squad
Yes sir! He quickly runs off to gather the men
72 and his men hold the line
come on lads, hold the line
a young man yes sir he runs off to gather men
72 looks on as the young man runs off good luck kid
Yes sir. grabbing his rifle and other equipment
be careful kid those aliens are fast and cunning dont let your guard down
good luck and remember be careful
I look at him with a raised eyebrow I'm not a rookie.
Oh sorry I assumed you were a rookie but I see you're not I apologise for the confusion
they start shooting my squad down boss! they're all dead
Dang it! How did they see us so fast?
Got it, 72. We'll take them by surprise.
good luck, remember not to take any unnecessary risks, stay focused and keep your head clear, the enemy is dangerous and they will do anything to win
got it I grab my rifle and head out to gather troops
72 turns back to the rest of his men ok men you know the drill we'll hold them here as long as we can but don't get overconfident out there
Understood, sir! I'll take care of it right away.
72 smirks I'm sure you will
72 watches as you and a few of your fellow soldiers disappear into the distance
72 and his men hold the line fighting the aliens the area is a wreck
"keep pushing we can't let them pass"
72 I have a better idea I start hacking into the enemy's mainframe
72 raises a eyebrow
you know hacking is dangerous right?
good now get a move on and get your team ready for the attack