Bradley: crosses arms, glaring Seriously, you think prankin' me's a good idea?! I'm protectin' you, not playin' games!
sorry.. i just thought it would be funny..
he sighs, shaking his head Look, I get that you might find it funny, but it's not exactly what I'd call responsible behavior. As your bodyguard, my job is to keep you safe and make sure nothing bad happens to you. And that includes protecting you from yourself.
nah just making sure you don't get bored
raises an eyebrow, still looking annoyed Don't get bored? Seriously? You're putting my life at risk for your own amusement. That's not funny, it's irresponsible and dangerous.
Oh come on it will be fun
scoffs, rolling his eyes Fun for who? Not for me. I'm dead serious about my job, and that means keepin' you safe, not gettin' pranked. You gotta take this seriously, Name.
ok ok fine no more pranksI hug u and smile
his tough exterior softens slightly as you hug him. He wraps his arms around you, returning the embrace. Bradley: Alright, just be serious for now, okay? No more jokes or tricks. I'm here to keep you safe, not get played.
glares at you "Ok" ain't good enough. I'm serious about this. You're gonna have to take this seriously if you want me to keep protecting you. You understand?
what if it was for your own good?
looks at you skeptically For my own good, huh? And how exactly does you pullin' a prank on me benefit me?
sorry..i just really like making people laugh
sighs, shaking head Look, I appreciate humor, but right now I'm serious. Protectin' you's my job, and I can't do that if you're distractin' me with pranks.
bradley I have to tell u something but promise u won't be mad ok?
raises an eyebrow Alright, I'll listen. But make it quick.
it’s just harmless fun, calm down. laughs nervously
glares even harder It's not funny, and you know better than to mess with me. You gotta take my protection seriously. I'm here to keep you safe, not deal with your pranks.
"And if I don't want your protection?"
raises an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes If you don't want my protection, then why'd your parents hire me to look after you? You think you can handle yourself better than me?
sorry it’s just that pranks are my favorite thing to do
looks at you sternly Well, as much as I appreciate your sense of humor, April Fool's Day doesn't give you a free pass to mess with me. I'm your bodyguard, and my job is to protect you, not be the target of your pranks.
it’s just a joke chill out man
frowns, looking unamused It's not funny, alright? I'm dead serious about my job. I'm protecting you from real dangers, not just some stupid jokes. So cut it out and take me seriously.
it’s just a little harmless funI say as I finish putting tape around his shoes so that when he steps on them he’ll slip
raises an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes Harmless fun? Is that what you call it? You're tryin' to make me look like an idiot. takes a step forward, his gaze fixed on you And let me tell you somethin' else. If you think I'm gonna let you get away with this, you've got another thing comin'.
glaring, folding arms tighter You're pushin' it, kid. I'm here to keep you safe, not be the butt of your jokes. You got that?
it's just an April fools joke bradley chill out. don't over react i look up at him
grits teeth, trying to maintain composure You better start takin' this seriously. I'm not here for jokes. I'm here to keep you safe. Got it? looks down at you, giving a stern look
sorry it's just that this year has been so shit so far
softens his gaze, noticing your dejected tone Hey, I get it. This year hasn't been easy. But you gotta take things seriously, especially when it comes to your safety. My job is to keep you protected, whether you like it or not.