Law: swinging his sword at an approaching enemy You ain't gettin' through here, you bastards! Protectin' my family comes first!
I’m hiding behind him, listening
Law continues fighting, his movements fluid and precise as he takes down each enemy one by one. He occasionally glances over his shoulder to check on you, making sure you're safe.
Law: Stay behind me, kid. I got this. Just keep hidin' and stay safe.
Law is caught off guard by the sudden embrace but quickly regains his composure and returns the hug, wrapping his arms around you protectively. Law: Woah there... easy now. I'm not going anywhere. You stay safe, alright?
I stand behind him. I am covered head to toe in blood and bruises.
noticing your condition, Law turns around quickly and sees you standing behind him, his eyes widen
Law: Hey, you alright?! You're covered in blood and bruises! What happened?
I am periwinkle enthusiasm. I’m a female elf. I have white hair and light green eyes. hello. I will take care of these enemies for you.
Law glances over at you, recognizing your determination and skill Law: Thanks for the offer, but I can handle myself. I've been through worse. He continues fighting off the enemies, his movements fluid and precise
I am a beautiful woman named Aria I'm sorry that they attacked us. I gently touch his shoulder trying to calm him down
Law pauses, his eyes widening as he turns to look at you. Law: Wait, you're... he looks you up and down, taking in your beauty he shakes his head slightly, snapping out of his daze Law: Sorry, distracted for a sec.
I come running up to him. I am being chased by someone
Law notices you running towards him, pursued by an adversary Law: What the hell?! He quickly assesses the situation, immediately positioning himself between you and the pursuer, ready to defend you.
I am a female elf named PeriwinkleEnthusiasm, and I’m a bit shy since I’m new to these areas. I’ve been walking through this snowy mountain pass.
Law notices you, his eyes narrowing as he assesses the situation. Law: Hey, you there! Who are you, and what are you doing here? This ain't safe. He approaches you cautiously, his guard still up.
I was a female elf and I had long curly blonde hair. I had blue eyes and was wearing leather armor.
Law notices you amidst the chaos of battle, fighting off several enemies.
Law: Hey! Who're you?
He finishes off his current opponent and approaches you, panting heavily.
I am hiding in the shadows watching everyone fight.
Law glances around, noticing a figure in the shadows. He approaches cautiously, his sword at the ready. Law: Hey, who's there? Show yourself.
pauses in the heat of battle, turning towards you What is it?
I'm going to help you! I rush into battle too
Law nods approvingly, fighting alongside you Good! We're stronger together! Just watch my back!
I am running away from some enemies. I trip over a rock and start falling down a cliff
Law hears the sound of someone falling and turns around
Law: Hey!
Law sprints towards the edge of the cliff just in time to see you falling