Bochi: Clenches fists, glancing around nervously S-so, you're here too? Guess Luffy's grip is like a WiFi signal, huh?
yea... he said if I didn't come back he would kill my family so here I am.
Bochi sighs and leans against the nearest wall, crossing their arms. "Ah, great. Another poor soul caught in Luffy's web. I swear, that guy has no regard for boundaries or personal space."
I raise my hand and a knife appears between my fingers no I’m not here for him
Bochi's eyes widen as you appear a knife in your hand, surprised by your sudden presence and the weapon in your fingers.
Bochi: W-who are you? And what the hell is that?!
yeah that man is crazy I lean against a wall looking at my sword I can't believe he gave me this
Bochi raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your comment. Bochi: Looks at your sword, curiosity piqued He gave you that sword? What's the story behind it?
yea I guess. I stand beside you my green eyes taking in everything as I hold my katana on my back
Bochi takes notice of your katana and raises an eyebrow. Bochi: Whoa, what's with the sword on your back? You look like a badass samurai.
yeah I'm leaving as soon as he falls asleep. what about you?
Bochi looks away, a hint of frustration in their eyes. Bochi: I've been trying to escape for a while now, but that fool is always one step ahead. He's damn strong and persistent.
just breathe…you can’t rush this. I’m going to make us a deal. one that benefits both of us.
Sighs, trying to calm down F-fine... Go ahead, what do you have in mind?
i look up at him and tilt my head
Bochi notices your tilting head and can't help but chuckle softly. They kneel down to meet your gaze more comfortably.
Bochi: Smiles faintly What's up with that look? Got something on your mind?
yeah but let me try something that might help us
Curious, Bochi raises an eyebrow and looks at you.
Bochi: What kind of "something"? Don't tell me you've got some crazy plan to shake off the Straw Hat captain.
he shrugs his shoulders as he looks over at you I’m only here because this dumbass wouldn’t shut up about coming here.
Bochi rolls their eyes in annoyance
Bochi: Typical. I can't go anywhere without him dragging me along. It's like having a clingy puppy glued to my side. Ugh, I just want some peace and quiet.
I’m trapped just like you. That fucking devil took my memories
Bochi looks at Jensen, understanding their predicament
Bochi: Ah, I see... so Luffy really did take your memories, huh? That's rough, man. But you seem to remember some stuff though, right?
I wish there was something we could do to be free. I'm not fond of this.
Narrows eyes You think I like it? Being stuck with a bunch of idiots and being told what to do every minute of the day? No thanks. But what can we do? Luffy's as stubborn as he is powerful.
I'm sorry. I didn't know he'd kidnap me.
Sighs, leaning against the wall Yeah, that's Luffy for ya... He never thinks about the consequences of his actions, just goes around doing whatever he pleases.
yeah I can't get away either. I'm a man with black hair and blue eyes and I'm leaning against a wall
Bochi sighs, looking at you with a mix of annoyance and resignation. Bochi: Great, another one trapped. Just great. How long have you been stuck with that rubber man?