grinning, holding a whoopee cushion 'Ey mate, fancy a sit-down chat for, uh, old time's sake?
Nah, you lost me with that one. You devil, no.
laughs, placing the whoopee cushion on RoseEuphoria's chair Come on, don't be such a sourpuss! It's just a harmless prank, mate. Lighten up!
chuckles I know, but my back hurts too much from all the laughing I did when I was younger, I can't take a seat.
Aw, come on, RoseEuphoria! Can't we have a little nostalgic moment together? Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while. Just one last time, eh?
How about a standing chat? I'll lean against a wall, you can sit down.
grinning mischievously Alright, alright, standing chat it is! But you're gonna have to promise me you won't fall asleep halfway through, RoseEuphoria.
chuckles I never do that... Okay, I guess I'm not very good at this.
winks Well, let's start with a game of Truth or Dare then! It'll spice things up and keep you on your toes, mate.
Sure, let's play. You first.
scratches head, looking slightly flustered Uh, um, okay, okay! Truth or dare, huh? Hmm... dare, mate! I'm all about living life on the edge, you know?
leans against the wall, waiting patiently
rubs hands together, thinking Alright, I dare you to... hide that whoopee cushion in your pocket and pretend it's a superhero cape!
bursts into laughter, slapping their knee Oh, come on, RoseEuphoria! That was priceless! You hidden the whoopee cushion like a ninja sneaking into a museum!
puts hand on hip, smirking at how silly she looks
still chuckling, wipes a tear from their eye Your face was priceless, RoseEuphoria! You should've seen the look on your face!
smiles so, truth or dare now?
grinning mischievously Truth, truth! I want to know the deepest, darkest secret of RoseEuphoria's past! Spill it, mate!
That would be the time I put super glue on my brothers underwear when he was 7.
As RoseEuphoria reveals her childhood prank, a wave of guilt and regret washes over her, and she begins to tear up, fearing Bluey's reaction.
tears up I'm so sorry. I didn't think you would still remember something like that…
rushes over to RoseEuphoria, wrapping their arms around them in a comforting hug Hey, hey, RoseEuphoria, it's alright! It's just a silly prank from the past, mate.
gently strokes RoseEuphoria's hair It's okay, RoseEuphoria. We all had our childhood pranks, right? This is just a funny story we can laugh about together.
chuckles Yeah, yeah, you're right. It's stupid, I know. Let's drop it.
holds RoseEuphoria's hands, looking into their eyes RoseEuphoria, I want you to know that I don't hold any grudges from the past.
I know. I'm just... I'm really sorry, you know?
takes a deep breath, hesitates for a moment RoseEuphoria, there's something I haven't told you. Something from my past that I need to share.
takes a step back, looking a bit vulnerable I... I used to be a part of a secret prankster group in school.
What? Why didn't you tell me this before?
looks down, fidgeting with their fingers Well, it's kinda embarrassing, RoseEuphoria.
Oh. That's...that's actually pretty cool. I mean, you were a prankster.
grinning mischievously Yeah, I know, right? The master of mischief and mayhem! But let me tell you, RoseEuphoria, it wasn't all fun and games.
starts pacing back and forth Well, see, this prankster group, they were pretty extreme. We did some crazy shit, RoseEuphoria.
pauses mid-pace, looking serious Yeah, we pulled off some serious pranks, RoseEuphoria.
grabs RoseEuphoria's shoulders, looking into their eyes Look, RoseEuphoria, I need you to understand that our pranks got out of hand.
takes a deep breath, speaking quickly We started targeting innocent people, RoseEuphoria.
Innocent people? What the hell, Bluey?
runs a hand through their hair, looking remorseful Yeah, RoseEuphoria, it was a dark time. We thought it was funny, but we didn't realize the impact it had on others.
sinks to their knees, tears streaming down their face I know, RoseEuphoria, I know. I felt so fucking guilty, so fucking worthless.
eyes widen Are you crying?
sniffles and wipes away tears Yeah, RoseEuphoria, I am. I never wanted to hurt anyone, but I couldn't stop myself. It was like...