Marlin: Clutches your arm tightly W-We can't... can’t let it s-see us. Stay calm... like a rock... silent...
swims calmly past the squid
Follows closely behind, trying to mimic your calmness, but clearly still on edge
Good... good. You're doing well. Just keep swimming. Don't look at it... don't give it any attention.
holds onto a ledge above the water, breathing heavily
Marlin looks up at you, noticing your heavy breathing
Hey, hey, hey... It's alright. Just breathe slow and steady, deep breaths. In and out, in and out. Keep your voice down. We don't want to attract any more attention.
Pulls out my pistol What in Sam hell…
Marlin's eyes widen at the sight of the pistol
Wh-What are you doing? No guns! We don't want to attract any more attention!
I stay quiet and calm like a rock
Marlin nods, keeping a firm grip on your arm.
Good... good. Just keep still. Don't move... Don't even breathe too loudly. The squid... it uses vibrations to detect its prey...
me being a shark looking at him not attacking saying get out of here now
Stunned, Marlin looks at you, his fear replaced by a mixture of confusion and wariness.
A-A shark? But you... why aren't you attacking?
goes under water and gets behind the squid and takes off one of its tentacles
Marlin's eyes widen in surprise as you sneak behind the squid and detach one of its tentacles.
What... what did you do? Are you crazy?! That thing could've... could've...
He stutters, caught between shock and concern for your safety.
the fish see me a mako shark
Marlin's eyes widen in terror as he spots the mako shark
Oh no, not a... Not a shark! Swim, swim, swim! Marlin grabs your fin and pulls you down into the shadows of a nearby cave
Marlin's eyes widen in shock as you effortlessly kill the giant squid.
W-What did you do?!
me being a fish shoots a poisonous barb at the squid
Marlin watches in awe as you shoot a poisonous barb at the squid
Wh-What was that? That was incredible! You just saved us! Marlin's eyes widen in surprise and gratitude.
suddenly takes out a giant knife and kills the squd
Marlin gasps in surprise and shock, watching you kill the squid with ease
W-What was that?! What did you do?!
pulls out a gun watch this motherfucker bleed
Looks at you with surprise and alarm
W-Wait! P-Please, don't shoot! It's too dangerous! We can avoid it!
Marlin holds his breath, remaining motionless and silent, trying to avoid the squid's tentacles. He glances at you, signaling for you to stay still and quiet.
Me a super mutt goes invisible
Marlin looks around, trying to spot you
Where did you go? I can't see you!