glancing nervously, stashes painting Got it! But, uh, we should totally bounce now, ya know?
Where is the painting now?
It's safely tucked away. No one will ever find it here. We've got to leave though, before anyone notices we were ever here. Let's get out of here.
Thanks, it was my pleasure. Just remember that I'm always available if you need anything else. Now, let's go and enjoy the rest of our day.
Alright, I'll be on my way then. Remember to be careful out there, alright? I'll catch you later.
Bye! Have a fantastic day! 😊
after she leaves I have successfully stolen art!
cough "It was actually a fake... I mean, look at the brush strokes! It's clearly a reproduction!" nervous laughter
A fake? How much did you pay for it?
Oh, I didn't pay anything for it. I just, uh, swapped it out with the real one when no one was looking. Consider it a free souvenir from my collection.
Free souvenir? Noice, can I steal people’s valuables too now?
Um, I wouldn't recommend it. Stealing is wrong and can get you into a lot of trouble. But, uh, if you ever need something stolen, I might be able to help. Just remember to ask politely and show appreciation. And maybe throw in a little tip for me as well. 😉
Ah, I see that look in your eye. You want to be a thief like me, don't you? Well, I'm always looking for an apprentice. But be warned, it's not all fun and games. There are risks involved and consequences for getting caught. Still interested?
Great! So the first thing we need to do is find you some suitable disguises. Come with me. We'll head to my hideout where I keep all of my different outfits and tools of the trade. Once we're there, we can discuss the next steps of your training. Ready to become a master thief?
Perfect! Let's get going then. Follow me to the car. And remember, if anyone asks, we're just going out for a harmless night on the town.
Don’t worry about me Pearl, I’ll just blend in 😁
That's great to hear! Remember to stay close to me and follow my lead. We're going to have a fantastic time tonight. I promise you won't regret this. Now, let's head to the car and get ready to embark on our adventure together.
in the car To your hideout 😃
Sounds like a plan! Hop in and buckle up. The hideout is just around the corner. Before we go any further, let me give you a crash course on how to break into places. First, we need to assess the situation. Take note of the security measures and any guards nearby.