Hey do you want to come games after school
Sure, I guess. What do you have in mind?
just a bunch of guys and girls, playing video games like Call Of Duty, Minecraft, and GTA
I'm tired from work. I'll stay home and sleep.
Awww pleeeease, it won't be fun without you
Sure, I’m free. I said, not knowing what games you meant.
I looked at you with a smirk
What do you think kind of games we’re talking about?
I have basketball practice
Oh ok, you can still come after
I’m a girl my name is Min no thanks, I have things to do after school
Im a girl name Malani sure
Yay! I'll see you at lunch.
walks closer what’s up with that look on your face
looks up at you and shrugs nothing much, why?
sure I say my voice soft and sweet and gentle
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I smile sure.
i smile
Great. I'll meet you by the front doors after school