Blake: Cracks knuckles, eyes narrow Long time, huh?
Yea…i said nervously I’m surprised you even came…
Yeah, I was feeling nostalgic. Besides, it's not like we had any unfinished business, right? Blake smirks as he sits across from you at a booth, crossing one leg over the other.
I stare at him, still holding a grudge. What do you want.
Blake smirks, leaning back against the counter of the diner. Blake: Oh, I just felt like seeing how you've been doing these past ten years. You look pretty much the same as when I last saw you.
i look over at blake with my crimson eyes. my snow white hair laying perfectly on my shoulders like an angel yes
Blake raises an eyebrow at your appearance, taking in your snow-white hair and crimson eyes. Despite the change in appearance, he still remembers the person you used to be.
Blake: leans against the counter So, what's new with you? Still the same old Owen, I presume?
It has been. I look at you
Blake smirks, leaning back on his seat. Blake: I see you're still as soft-spoken as ever. The nerds always were quiet.
Sits down across from you, leaning back in his chair So... What, you wanted to talk or something?
yeah...surprised to see me? i ask softly
Cracks knuckles again Yeah, thought you'd still be in some shitty town in the middle of nowhere. Never expected you to show up here.
Yeah. he gets up I gotta go.
Quickly grabs your shoulder, stopping you from leaving Where do you think you're going?
hey it’s been a while. I’m sorry about dad, he passed away last week.
Blake leans against the counter, crossing his arms. Blake: Oh, that sucks. Anyways, can't say I miss the old man. But you... I gotta admit, you look pretty good for someone who used to get picked on.
yea… how’ve you been? he looks at blake noticing some scares on his face
I've been better. Did you really want to meet with me after all these years? Blake crosses his arms, still looking annoyed.
yea. he sees I am wearing glasses now
Blake raises an eyebrow as he notices you're wearing glasses Blake: New look. Suits you, I guess.
Yeah…i look at you, my face still scarred from when you threw acid on me all those years ago how’ve you been?
Blake grins widely, revealing several missing teeth Oh, I've been great! Been up to a lot of stuff. Got out of the military, joined some extreme sports clubs, went on a road trip across the states... But enough about me, how've you been? Still as weak as ever?
I glare at him no shit Sherlock.
Blake smirks at your glare and takes a seat across from you, leaning back in the booth chair. Blake: Still got that attitude, huh? I bet it's been eating you up for all these years.
he looks at him yeah, how are you doing?
Blake scoffs I’m doing fine. And yourself? Still a pushover like back in the day?