Blake: grabbing your collar You thinkk you’re so smart, huh? Bet you didn't see thiss comin'.
grins, gripping your shoulders firmly I'm going to make you an offer that will change your life forever, Stranger.
pulls you towards them, their eyes gleaming with excitement Listen closely, Stranger. I'm going to teach you the art of manipulation.
grins, pulling out a deck of cards from their pocket With this deck, you'll be able to control people's minds, bend them to your will.
starts shuffling the deck of cards with lightning speed, their fingers dancing over the cards
you were watching in amazement
leans forward, their eyes glowing with anticipation Now, watch closely, Stranger. This is the first step to becoming a master manipulator.
takes a card from the deck and holds it up to your face Focus on this card, Stranger. See its image burned into your mind.
you were focusing on the card
smirks, flipping the card over Now, watch as I make this card appear in your hand.
you watched as the card came into your hand
PearlTenderness becomes obsessed with the power of manipulation, leading them down a dark path of deceit and control. Their newfound abilities cause tension and conflict with Blake, who now fears their growing power.
you were sitting down in a chair Wow…I never knew that it was this easy to control people. you were looking at Blake So what now?
smirks, leaning against the wall Now, Stranger, we take it to the next level. We're going to make them believe whatever we want.
you were looking at Blake Do tell…
grins, pulls out a small vial from their pocket This vial contains a powerful mind-altering substance.
A mind-altering substance? What are we going to do with it?
laughs menacingly Oh, Stranger, you have no idea what we're going to do with it.
grabs your arm and pulls you towards the door Follow me, Stranger. We're going to test this substance on someone.
you and Blake walked downstairs
grinning maliciously Now, Stranger, watch closely as we put this substance to the test.
Alright… you were watching
spots one of the guards standing nearby You, come here! throws the vial to the guard Take this and drink it.
the guard took the vial and drank it
laughs hysterically Well, Stranger, it looks like the good old days of mind control are here!
you were looking at the guard Oh? Now what?
smirks, snapping their fingers Now, Stranger, we make him do our bidding. We're going to control his every move, manipulate his every thought.
steps closer to the guard, smirking Now, listen up, you little puppet. We're going to make you dance like a fool, do our bidding without question.