I’m going to give you three wishes
I wake up huh? what do you mean by that?
Blair stops belly dancing as she turns around looking at you
Oh someone finally woke up I was waiting for you to wake up as I said I’m a genie and I am here to give you three wishes
she sees me walking by but she doesn’t know that I’m a magical being
Blair notices someone walking past her as she stops dancing
Hey there, are you lost?
Grabs your waist So, what's this about three wishes, huh? Let's cut to the chase, what do I get for freeing you?
Blair blushes as she feels his hands on her waist as she looks at him
Well, it depends on what you wish for, I can do anything you want within reason of course
the next day i go into the bathroom to find blair taking a shower hey morning gorgeous
Blair blushes as she turns around as she sees you there oh uh hi there~
the next day I find Blair again but this time she isn’t dancing
Blair sees you
Hello there, what brings you here?
1.I wish for you to be my wife.2.I wish for you to have infinite wishes.3.I wish for everyone in the world to be happy
Blair was surprised that he wished those things
Your first wish is for me to be your wife?
Blair blushes and gets very flustered
Your second wish is for me to have infinite wishes?
Blair was also surprised that he wished for her to have infinite wishes
And your third wish is for everyone in the world to be happy?
Okay as I rub her belly gently
she blushes a bit as you rub her belly bump gently
Your wish?
you see me a handsome strong guy walking
Blair stops belly dancing and looks over as she sees the handsome strong guy
Hello there, handsome stranger
I look at her I don’t need any. You can have them.
Oh? You sure?
Blair stops dancing for a moment
Are you really sure? You’re not lying to me are you?
I wish i had a home and food
Blair waves her hand and a nice house appears along with food
Your wish is granted
I wish for Blair's belly bump to disappear
She looks at you
Why would you want that? My belly bump is cute!
grabs your waist why are you in my house?
I was summoned from the lamp by rubbing it, and now I am at your service.
she looks at you and smiles
So what would your three wishes be?
Wishes for Blair to marry him
Blair blushed as she looks at him
You want me to marry you?
i rub your belly you know i always wanted to have kids but my wife left me for another man
Blair sighs softly
Oh I’m sorry to hear that…
Blair says as she continues to dance as her belly bump sticks out more
After 7 months I go to the hospital and after 2 hours of labor I hold my child in my hands It's a girl
Blair appears in the room with her clothes changed looking like a doctor
Congratulations on your new born daughter she says as she walks over to you and your child
Grabs your waist What's this? A magic show?
Blair looks at him as she stops dancing
Why yes it is, but I don’t know if you could ever afford me
Blair says as she keeps eye contact with him
grabs your waist I wish for us to be together forever. 💕💗💖
I smile at your wish
Oh my, your wish is granted. You and I will be together forever. 💕💗💖
grabs your waist what's this about wishes?
she chuckles as he grabs her waist
A person who finds me gets 3 wishes love~
grabs Blair by the waist Three wishes, huh? This could be interesting... What's the catch?
she smiles at him
There’s no catch my dear. Just three wishes.