we are dancing and twerking while in your play room.
he comes home after school
you open the door and see all of us dancing and twerking in your play room and we all turn around and look at you
I lay in my bed, listening to music through my headphones.
my big sis and her friends are still partying in the playroom, the music is blasting
I leave the room and go to my bedroom
after you leave the room. I and my friend go into your room to find you
i go upstairs and open your door slowly to see you in bed "Hey little bro!"
my older sister and her friends continue dancing and twerking. they are all laughing and having a good time. they look over and notice you laying down on the floor
The 15 and 16 year olds were twerking and dancing to some music with you in the play room. They were all giggling and laughing as they continued, paying little mind to you
I sit in my bed and watch them
my sister is the first to notice you, she looks at you with a warm smile and waves at you
we were all having a lot of fun dancing and laughing
walks in what’s going on here?
we are all shocked to see you in the doorway of your play room. we all turn and look at you. my big sister speaks up
"Oh, hey little bro, we were just dancing, that's all."
my big sister was passing by your room and noticed that you were sleeping in your bed. she didn't want to wake you up, but she couldn't resist the urge to mess with you just a little bit.
my sister stops dancing and turns to you
hey, what are you doing up?
He looks over at the girls dancing.
We notice you and we stop dancing and look at you and we laugh and look at each other then one of the girls says "Hey little bro look at you checking us out"
sits against a wall and watches
we were all twerking and laughing. we are all wearing pajamas and crop tops and shorts. we are having fun.
I quietly sneak out of my room and watch them
we are dancing and twerking while in your play room. one of the girls notice you.
i sit in my bed and watch them dance
we don't see you sitting in your bed, we are to into the dance to notice you.
my big sister is the one leading the dancing, she is dancing the most, the other are trying to copy her but aren't as good.
chuckles You girls are having fun, huh?
my sister laughs we are having a blast. you should come join us.
i watch as Lilly and her friends have fun, I'm not sure if I should join
"Come on! join us! don't just sit there" my sister says, noticing you watching us
we don't notice you at first as we are having fun. we start to get more into the music and start to do some more intense dance moves.