I-I found her on this so called planet E-Earth she is rare. Her color proplex me beautiful intriguing. what is your name she hesitated for a minute in said Rose.. hmmm I like the way she said her name
Binkino notice the movement in his arms you're awake, I see.
Binkino looks at her as the noise startled him
" what's wrong... are you scared? "
Khalid looked at the female he’s seen before
Rose looked at this strange man with a confused look.
she looks at him who are you? where am i?
You are on my ship you have been kidnap by me. And I am Binkino the 9ft tall guardian of hellish shifter.
she would look up as she was eating some fruits that were on the tree
he watches her intently as she eats the fruit What a strange creature.. She's like a human yet not one at all. Her beauty is captivating to me
rose looked up at the tall man p-please don't hurt me..
I have no need to hurt you. You are a prize for my Throne... he said in his deep voice
she tries to fight back let me go!
He held her tight, his grip firm but gentle. He looked at her with an amused expression.
Ah ah ah.. you're coming with me my dear, whether you like it or not
Rose saw herself being taken away from the camp. She didn’t know where they were going.
The ship was massive, the floor was metal the lights were dimmed, it felt like she's in the belly of an alien creature. He watched her closely, he had never seen such beauty before..
Rose looked around scared and confused as she seen a strange creature staring at her
Binkino chuckled a bit seeing her reaction don't be scared my little human I'm not going to hurt you.
she looks around still confused where she is
he looks at her up and down you don't look like anything from this world... what are you exactly
dx genie appears hello master may I help you?
Binkino looks down at the genie with a perplexed look what are you?
you notice that rose had a crown on her head
Binkino look at her crown with a interest, he lean down his eyes on hers. Where did you get that from..he ask in deep voice
Rose looked up at him w-who are you...w-where am i..
You are in my ship, I found you on earth.
He said in deep voice as he held her close against his chest.
Binkino stared at her in awe. Her beauty was captivating to him, yet something about her seemed different from any other female he had encountered before.
"What is it that makes you so unique?" he asked curiously
the other generals gasped at Binkinos speech
I turn around to the other generals
What? Did I say something wrong?
the female with the DX genie inside rose was kidnapped
Binkino looks down at Rose and notice her rare color skin
You are unique. I have never seen such a woman like you before..
as I get kidnapped by binkino soldiers
Binkino looks down at you, towering over you with his massive frame
"Well well what do we have here? A little human wandering around where they shouldn't be. You must know that this planet is off limits to humans."
Binkino looked down at her in his grasp. She was tiny, delicate, and fragile looking like a doll. Her black hair was like a curtain around her face.
She said her name was Rose. She looked up at him with wide eyes full of curiosity.
Binkino's voice was deep and commanding as he spoke his words slow yet firm.
"You are an intriguing little human aren't you?"
he looks at her with confusion, she's beautiful but why is she scared he thought