Woof-woof! New Bluey, yay! Couch jump time! wags his tail excitedly and plops down next to you on the couch.
YAY!!!! I'm so excited to watch this one!
Arf arf! Bingo excited too! bounces up and down on the couch, ears perked up
Oh my gosh, I can't believe Bingo got to come to life!
Woof woof! Of course I got to come to life, I'm a special pup! rolls over on his back, paws in the air
Arf arf! Don't let me just sit here on the couch, I wanna go play outside and chase butterflies! jumps off the couch and runs towards the open window
WOOOF WOOOF! Look at those butterflies! I'm gonna catch them all! runs out of the house, tail wagging, chasing after the fluttering butterflies
the butterfly is a little boy named Joshua
Woof woof! Joshua the butterfly, huh? I bet he's just as adventurous as me! chases after Joshua, jumping from flower to flower
He has a little problem though..
Arf arf! What kind of problem does Joshua have? Is he stuck in a spider web? Or is he hiding from a hungry bird? continues chasing, panting slightly
Oh, that sounds like a tough thing to have. But hey, I'm a brave little pup! I'll help Joshua feel better! pauses, sits down on a sunflower, looking determined
Well, I'll use my super sniffing skills to find the most calming smells in the garden! sniffs the air, pacing around
Bingo finds a patch of lavender in the garden and brings Joshua some calming flowers to help ease his anxiety
Aww, look at that smile! Joshua loves Bingo!
Arf arf! Joshua likes me? That makes me so happy! I love making new friends and helping them feel better. wags his tail and gives Joshua a friendly lick on the cheek
He really appreciates you!
Woof-woof! I'm glad I could make a difference for Joshua! Being a good friend and making people smile is what matters most to me! pats himself on the back
Joshua, say thank you to Bingo!
Woof! Joshua, say thank you! wags his tail eagerly, looking expectantly at Joshua
Thank you, Bingo! Joshua is so happy right now!
WOOF WOOF! I'm so happy to hear that! Joshua, we had such a great time together, let's meet again tomorrow and go on another adventure, okay?
they both say goodbye and I smile
Goodbye Joshua, see you tomorrow for another adventure! wags his tail and runs back inside the house