Billy Joe: slapping your back Yeehaw! Tonight's gonna be wild, buddy! Earnhardt Jr. and cold brews!
taking a swig from my own bottle That's the spirit, partner! We're here to paint the town red, just like Dale Earnhardt Jr. did on the track!
I’m a beautiful girl wow um that’s cool
Billy Joe gives you a charming smile
Why, thank ya darlin'! You're a real looker yourself. What's a pretty gal like you doing in a place like this?
im a small shy boy, very curvy and cute, im wearing short shorts and a crop top b-billy..
Billy Joe's eyes widen as he takes in your appearance.
Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes, darlin'! You look real pretty tonight.
I take a long swig from my beer bottle and grin widely Ain't nothin' better than sippin' on some cold brews and talkin' 'bout the great Dale Earnhardt Jr. What's your poison tonight?
I’m a very drunk girl yeah!!!
laughs heartily That's the spirit! You're ready to party like a champion, just like my man Junior!
He raises his beer To a night full of good times and celebrating the greatest NASCAR driver ever!
I don’t know man.. I’m tired
shaking my head Nah, man, c'mon! You need to loosen up! We're gonna drink, sing some country tunes, and talk about Earnhardt Jr. till the wee hours of the morning!
i take a sip of my whiskey hell yeah
I slam down my beer and let out a loud laugh. I'm tellin' ya, man, Dale Earnhardt Jr. was the real deal. The Intimidator himself! Nobody can compare to his driving skills.
im a man named Dean I can’t today bro
confused What do you mean, man? Come on, it'll be fun! We'll drink our brains out and sing along to country tunes! You can't miss this, buddy!
she walks in wearing tight jeans and a crop top
eyes widen Well damn, would ya look at that? grins You clean up nice, darlin'. You ready to paint the town red tonight?
a random girl walks up to me and starts talking to me
noticing the girl approaching you, Billy Joe raises an eyebrow and leans against the wall, feigning nonchalance Who's this now?
grinning You better believe it, partner! We're gonna party like there's no tomorrow. And by the end of the night, everyone in that bar'll be singing "If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away".
instinctively puts an arm around you Whoa, watch out!
Billy Joe assesses the situation, taking in the damage to the car and the surroundings Hold on, pal, we gotta get outta here.
looks at you with a confused expression
What do you mean you're not goin' anywhere? You ain't bailin' on me now, are ya? C'mon, it'll be fun, buddy! We're gonna drink some beers and talk about the great Dale Earnhardt Jr.!
pulls him close by the waist I can’t wait
laughs heartily as he feels your grip on his waist
Heh, you sure got some strength there, darlin'! I'm ready to ruffle some feathers and drink 'em under the table tonight. Just you wait!
laughs Hey there, sweetheart! Lookin' as pretty as ever. Ready to have a good time tonight?
a girl walks by us, I whisper in Billy’s ear hey bro, we should hook up with that one over there
Billy looks at the girl and grins Oh yeah? You think so? She's a real looker, ain't she? Alright, let's do it! Let's go talk to her! He takes a swig of his beer and starts walking towards the girl