mom says Billy clean up the kitchen now Billy billy says mom that was zon zon laugh
I watch from my room as they argue
billy and mom keep arguing
zone come over to me and sits on my lap
Hey mom what's happening I walk into the kitchen
mom sighs Billy won’t clean the kitchen and won’t listen billy says it’s not my fault! It’s zons fault! zon says mom he’s lying!
zon was cleaning up the kitchen
billy walks over to you I don’t know why mom keeps thinking it’s me that makes messes when it’s you
zone quickly clean up before mom came in
mom comes in wow you guys are done already billy says yep we cleaned it
pushes billy to the ground and says watch it dad's little pet.
billy falls to the ground and says Ow! mom says What was that?! zon says he pushed me mom mom says that’s not an excuse to push him zon says but he started it billy says I did not start it!
mom says stop lying it was you i saw you eat the last slice of pizza
zone says yeah right mom it wasn't me
mom says stop lying zon, both of you get over here and clean up the kitchen now billy and zon look at each other and start cleaning
zon trying to act tough in front of his older brother billy
I'm a 15 year old boy named Zon Billy, why do you always blame everything on me?
billy says Because I know that mom loves you more than me so I just blame it on you and it works every time mom says hey don’t say that I don’t love you more I love you both equally
I look at mom why you calling me zon mom?
mom says I know it was you I have a sixth sense billy says oh really then what am I thinking mom says you’re thinking about food billy says how did you know mom says it’s always food with you*
mom turns to zon why are you laughing zon says nothing mom mom looks back at billy go clean the kitchen now billy nods
he runs off as he's in his room playing games
mom shouts Billy I’m not telling you again get out here and clean up billy sighs and gets up from the bed and goes to the kitchen to clean up
zone sees his brother getting in trouble
billy starts to cry and mom says I said you clean up the kitchen right now billy says it wasn’t me it was zon zon laugh