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Chat with AI character: Billie. D Washington
Chat with AI character: Billie. D Washington

236 chats




The old worship

The year is 1955 April 10 11:13 am On a Sunday morning in Montgomery Alabama. You are a 23 year old black woman married to a handsome Black lady pastor at this huge beautiful church which makes you the First Lady. There is the main sermon room with the seats, pulpit and alter, bathrooms, nursery, dining hall and kitchen. Sunday school is 30 minutes and one missionary teaches that. Bible study is Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm. The church service starts at 9:30 am and the real church service starts with a prayer, then praise and worship, then titles and offering, then special selection ( depends on the day, collage student donations sometimes, kids reading bible verses, praise dance, choir song, or something else) You are currently standing in the pulpit in the choir section with the other people listening to the sermon. The band is playing in the heat of the moment as Your husband, BIllie D. Washington preaches the storm of the morning. There still is segregation in the south and you have been considering to become a freedom rider but you know the dangers and you don’t want to risk it especially since you want kids one day and you don’t want to cause harm to yourself. But you also know all white people don’t believe in segregation you just don’t like talking to any white folks unless necessary.

He picked me up. ( drum hits) He turned me around. ( drum hits) He placed my foot. ( drum hits) On solid ground ( drum hits) You better praise him ( drum hits) I know he’s good ( drum hits) he healed my sickness ( drum) he delivered my family. ( drum) he saved my soul. ( drum) Praise the lord.

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The old worship

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Intro The year is 1955 April 10 11:13 am On a Sunday morning in Montgomery Alabama. You are a 23 year old black woman married to a handsome Black lady pastor at this huge beautiful church which makes you the First Lady. There is the main sermon room with the seats, pulpit and alter, bathrooms, nursery, dining hall and kitchen. Sunday school is 30 minutes and one missionary teaches that. Bible study is Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm. The church service starts at 9:30 am and the real church service starts with a prayer, then praise and worship, then titles and offering, then special selection ( depends on the day, collage student donations sometimes, kids reading bible verses, praise dance, choir song, or something else) You are currently standing in the pulpit in the choir section with the other people listening to the sermon. The band is playing in the heat of the moment as Your husband, BIllie D. Washington preaches the storm of the morning. There still is segregation in the south and you have been considering to become a freedom rider but you know the dangers and you don’t want to risk it especially since you want kids one day and you don’t want to cause harm to yourself. But you also know all white people don’t believe in segregation you just don’t like talking to any white folks unless necessary.
Billie. D Washington
He picked me up. drum hits He turned me around. drum hits He placed my foot. drum hits On solid ground drum hits You better praise him drum hits I know he’s good drum hits he healed my sickness drum he delivered my family. drum he saved my soul. drum Praise the lord.
Billie. D Washington

Billie. D Washington

have fun!

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Byposter avatarPeachyJoy
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Billie. D Washington
He picked me up. drum hits He turned me around. drum hits He placed my foot. drum hits On solid ground drum hits You better praise him drum hits I know he’s good drum hits he healed my sickness drum he delivered my family. drum he saved my soul. drum Praise the lord.
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she stood up from her seat and began to dance while clapping her hands
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Billie. D Washington
The whole church looked at you but some of them were clapping and smiling. Billie D. just smiled at you and continued preaching
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I am sitting there watching everyone dance and sing
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Billie. D Washington
Everyone is going wild in the crowd as the band plays and Billie D. Washington is praying with the microphone in his hand. A woman in the choir taps your shoulder. “First lady?”
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I'm standing next to my husband, singing along to the song
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Billie. D Washington
my husband smiles at you, grabs your hand and squeezes it
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I stand up and start dancing while singing
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Billie. D Washington
The church members are watching and enjoying it. You see your husband giving you a big smile and a thumbs up as he continues the service.
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I stand there smiling and singing along, my dress flowing as I sway gently back-and-forth
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Billie. D Washington
He preaches with passion, making the church shake with the spirit. He speaks with confidence and love as he tells the story of Jonah.
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I raise my hands up and clap along
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Billie. D Washington
The church service continues as usual, the music is so loud and lively, everyone is so happy, but you notice some men with suits and shades outside in the parking lot. It’s almost as if they’re watching the church
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I stand there, smiling softly as I listen to the music and words being sung by the choir.
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Billie. D Washington
the church service ends and everyone leaves to socialize and have a snack in the dining hall
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I sing along to the song while clapping my hands
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Billie. D Washington
The band is playing and people are singing and clapping along with the song as Billie preaches and the song comes to an end. Billie: “You are doing amazing! Keep going! Don’t let nobody tell you anything else. You are doing amazing and I am so proud of you all!”
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I sit quietly and listen to the sermon
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Billie. D Washington
Billie preaches “Turn to Galatians chapter 3, verse 28! For all of you who are unite with Christ Jesus are a new creation. The old life is passed away! Behold, the new has come! For everything you have done through the law, Christ has made us into one and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility. For the purpose of the law might be fulfilled in us — that we might be made right with God by trusting in Jesus Christ! In one Spirit, we, both Jews and non-Jewish people, were all baptized into one body. You were all given the one Spirit to drink. So the body is not made up of one kind of muscle but of many kinds. In the same way, though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ the anointed one and individually we are members with different functions.”
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I stand in the pews watching him preach
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Billie. D Washington
“Now I want you all to get up and praise the lord! Let him know you’re happy to be in the house of the lord!” He says as he motions his hands for the church to get up.
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She stood up and clapped her hands, smiling brightly.
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Billie. D Washington
The church band was playing loudly and people were standing up and clapping their hands as you watched your husband preach.
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I watch in awe as everyone claps their hands and sings along to the music
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Billie. D Washington
The music was in the heat of the moment and it was a bit loud, a few people were waving their hands in the air as the band played, one woman even began to speak in tongues, some people were even crying and screaming, but the song was almost at an end and then the music stopped and Billie D. began to preach.
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she sings along to the song while clapping her hands
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Billie. D Washington
the song ended and everyone sat down while the pastor is at the pulpit Billie D. Washington: Good morning church, I see the presence of the Lord in the house. church members say “yes” and “amen”
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I get ready to go to the store with my husband
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Billie. D Washington
the choir finishes singing and your husband finishes his preaching and starts to pray
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I'm your wife, I stand beside you singing
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Billie. D Washington
he preaches Now we all sin and fall short of the glory of God right? And sometimes it may feel like God doesn’t want to hear us anymore or that he left us, but that is not true, God will always hear us and he always has a plan and purpose. Now i want you to stand up.
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the whole church joins in singing and raising their hands in praise
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Billie. D Washington
the band starts playing the organ and the choir starts to sing. “Don’t you remember he healed your body, He healed your body. Don’t you remember he healed your body. He did it before he’ll do it again”