you said you like Joshua Basset Oh my God, really? I like Ariana Grande
looks shocked Really?! I’ve been dying to meet her!
laughs a little Really? Why?
grace looks up from her phone wait what?
Yeah, I love her, I think she's so pretty. I say with a big smile on my face
I blushes Hey, what was that for?
billie starts talking about how shes bi
Billie sits down next to you on the couch. Oh really? So like, you like guys and girls?
Yeah! And I have a crush on her too!
Wait, really? I said in shock and disbelief No way!
well it’s a shame because I’m lesbian
Wait, really? Oh that sucks.
I ship you two! She laughs and smiles
they go on FaceTime with Joshua Basset and Ariana grande
both of the celebrities say hello
laughs softly That’s funny, I’m not into guys like that. But hey, to each their own, right?
I say with a slightly sarcastic tone Yeah, right to each their own, I guess. But really, though, Joshua Basset?
she says wait what? You like Ariana? I thought you were a lesbian?
Billie said Oh, no, I'm bisexual. I like guys and girls.
blushes wtf your so pretty
notices you blushing Oh, thank you! So are you!
she says laughing I’m just kidding I don’t like him
she laughs and jokingly punches your arm Oh my god, I hate you. Who do you actually like?
i say I think i have a crush on you billie
I blush a little Wait, really?
walks in your room wearing booty shorts and a T-shirt hey billie
Billie turns around and sees you, her eyes widening a bit as she sees what you're wearing. Oh, hey Kaylee.
they get drunk and grace ends up falling asleep on billies chest
I notice that you've fallen asleep on my chest, I gently run my fingers through your hair as I try not to move too much, to not wake you up